The Time I Was A Special Guest Ring Announcer At Madison Square Garden

The following is a personal anecdote from Place to Be Nation Member Andy Atherton It was January 16, 1996. I attended a house show at Madison Square Garden. I was…

What the World Was Reading: WWF Magazine – December 1999

Since this week’s magazine selection is from December 1999 it would be remiss for the staff of WWF Magazine to ignore Christmas.  Sure enough, we get a holiday-type cover featuring…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episodes #8 & Finale

Scott: Place to be Nation! A sad day of sorts, as we have reached the end of the line. Yes this is the final installment of Place to Be Nation’s…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #7

Scott: Place to Be Nation, it’s now time for another geriatric battle royal, otherwise known as your Legends House recap! Last week the guys won the LARP battle for Ashley,…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #6

Scott: Place to Be Nation, welcome to the next chapter in our jaunt through Palm Springs. It’s your Legends House recap! It’s episode #6 and we had some major drama…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #5

Scott: Place to Be Nation, welcome to Episode #5 of your favorite show with Hall of Fame misfits and other sorted drunks, Legends’ House! Time for another journey to Palm Springs…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #4

Scott: Place to Be Nation, welcome to the newest edition of the endless fun and games known as “Inside the Legends’ House.” We continue our journey in Palm Springs with…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #3

Scott: Place to be Nation! Welcome back to another great installment of Inside The Legends’ House! It’s our weekly jaunt through the Palm Springs compound to see what the quirky…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #2

Scott: Welcome once again Place to Be Nation to another installment of “Inside the Legends’ House,” where we head to Palm Springs to check in on our drunks, vagabonds and certifiable…

Inside the Legends’ House – Episode #1

Scott: Place to Be Nation, welcome to what we hope will be a very entertaining weekly column. With the WWE Network now almost two months old, we have seen so much great…