What the World Was Reading: WWF Magazine – August 2000

The past two weeks we have spent time looking at alternatives to WWF Magazine.  We return to WWF Magazine this week, looking at the August 2000 issue.  On the cover…

What the World Was Watching: Monday Night Raw – December 7, 1998

– A video package recaps Steve Austin and Kane beating up Paul Bearer on last week’s show. We are also reminded of the Big Bossman beating Mankind for the Hardcore…

What the World Was Reading: RAW Magazine – May/June 1996

After having covered an alternative to WWF Magazine last week, we continue that idea in this week’s column, reviewing the very first issue of RAW Magazine from May/June 1996 (I…

What the World Was Reading: WOW Magazine – July 1999

This week we leave the confines of Titan Towers and head over to Bill Apter’s side of the wrestling magazine universe.  Launched in 1999, WOW Magazine was an alternative to…

What the World Was Watching: Monday Night Raw – November 23, 1998

–A video package recaps all the major happenings on last week’s show:  Steve Austin and the Rock fighting for the WWF title and Ken Shamrock joining the Corporation. –Jim Ross…

What the World Was Reading: WWF Magazine – December 1999

Since this week’s magazine selection is from December 1999 it would be remiss for the staff of WWF Magazine to ignore Christmas.  Sure enough, we get a holiday-type cover featuring…

What the World Was Watching: Monday Night Raw – November 16, 1998

–A video package recaps Shane McMahon screwing Steve Austin in the WWF title tournament semi-finals last night at the Survivor Series. –We get a new RAW intro where it was…

What the World Was Watching: Survivor Series 1998

–Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler are doing commentary and they are live from St. Louis, Missouri.  As a side note, this is the first Survivor Series pay-per-view not…

What the World Was Reading: WWF Magazine – June 1995

Our first installment of this new recurring column brings us to my first-ever purchase of a wrestling magazine: the June 1995 issue of WWF Magazine. I remember getting it at…