Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Walk? Comment on the Walk post at the Place to Be Nation Facebook page, or find Glenn on the social media platform of your choice!
- The world feels like a pretty turbulent place these days. It’s good, then, to get some sense of stability, some reassurance that no matter what happens, TLC don’t want no scrubs.
- With the discovery of two more small moons, Jupiter now has 69 of them. Nice
- It’s been ten long years since 2 Girls 1 Cup graced our screens and folks invented the reaction video. Since then, among other events, the dude who distributed the video can’t enter the United States, because we here are just extremely dedicated to yucking other people’s yums.
- Sometimes, it’s important to spice up a relationship with some roleplaying. (SFW)
- It’s easy for fast-moving events to knock out slower-moving ones from one’s mind. Bill Cosby’s rape trial is ongoing, allowing at least one of his victims to finally speak for herself.
- Texas State’s “body farm” is a place where donated corpses are left to decompose in natural conditions, to better understand human decomposition and help forensic investigations. It’s gross and fascinating. Also, sometimes a deer comes by for a snack.
- This Week in Ingenuity: Inmates at an Ohio prison built two computers, hid them in a ceiling, and used them inside the prison. Well done gents!
- Once this baby hits 88 miles an hour, you’re going to see some serious fines.
- This Week in Bullshit Nontrovercies: New York’s public theater is bleeding funding because sensitive conservatives don’t like the implications of Julius Caesar.
- The original version of the Cheers intro is awesome; they should never have changed it.
- There are people who embody stereotypes and there are people who embody some mickey-fickin’ stereotypes.
- Okay, I know URL shorteners have issues with archiving and permanence, but this is pretty much exactly why they exist.
- Which of the statistically most-kept secrets are you hiding?
- There’s a deleted verse of “You’re So Vain.” I bet it’s about me.
- This Week in Relaxing Videos: Take a few minutes, put your headphones on, breathe deeply, and watch divers fly through the air.