Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Walk? Email Glenn!
- An Italian court has ruled that theft to prevent starvation isn’t a crime, showing that some people can still put human rights ahead of property.
- Uber seems like just the sort of company that would attract creepy dudes looking to be alone with women.
- This Week in Maps: go ahead and locate every goat in the United States. Do what you like with this knowledge.
- Vegetables are killing people across the US, which is all the more reason for me to stick to my meats and cheeses and the occasional bread, foods which have never killed anyone or harmed a living thing.
- It’s important to remember the high points of life, like that time famed Canadian comic-book writer Ryan North livetweeted being stuck in a hole as his followers combined items in his inventory trying to get him and his dog out.
- I don’t have a whole lot of insight on what it’s like to be LGBTQIAP+ in a religious environment, since I shed my old religious identity long before I developed any queer identity, but I do hope the hundred-plus Methodist clergy who just came out en masse effect the change they’re hoping to.
- This Week in Real People’s Experiences: it’s got to be a real world-changer to discover that your parents have been Russian spies since long before you were born. Fand of The Americans take note.
- This Week in Bicycles: one artist has taken it upon themselves to make realistic-looking renderings of drawings by people who can’t really draw a functional bike.
- This Week in Star Trek Fashion: another artist has taken it upon themselves to create a dress based on the movie-era maroon uniforms, complete with a zippered front flap for when you need to comfort dying trainees. (You really should comfort them. They stayed at their posts.)
- Romeo and/or Juliet, the choose-your-own-adventure version of Romeo and Juliet from the makers of To Be or Not to Be, coming out super soon, which means there’s a sample playthrough in progress.
- This Week in Things I Have Seen on the Internet: romantic fanfic about the abstract concept of communism. I love the internet.
- We live in wonderful times, times when you can idly scroll through social media feeds and see X-Men coloring books reimagined as great works of psychadelia.
- This Week in Good Kids: a twelve-year-old mistook the beginning of a half-marathon for the beginning of the 5k she meant to run, and then ran the half-marathon anyway. Her mother realized she wasn’t on the 5k course and found her later on with a medal. Well done.