Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer.
- It seems there aren’t any secret chambers hiding out in King Tut’s tomb. I hate it when life turns out to be boring.
- Also in broken dreams, you can try to crack open your computer to swap some components, but some companies make it harder than others.
- This Week in Woodworking: This complex dovetail joint is an amazing, mesmerizing act of carpentry.
- What ghosts or other digital remnants do you have trapped in amber by an old device or account? Mine is the oldest message in my Gmail inbox, a LiveJournal comment notification from 2008, from someone I went to high school with who died a few years later. (Well, there’s also my mom’s listing on my phone, which persists between phones because of the one big happy Google infrastructure and so continues to pop up when I start dialing my home area code.)
- Whoooooooooooops!
- I find video game speedruns kind of fascinating even though I will never ever do one. The annotatations on this Mario 1 speedrun really hit the high points. (See also PTBN Play’s episode on Nintendo games.)
- Bless the Disneyland goths.
- Consumer brands are engaging in ritual melee combat yet again, and you must choose your champion.
- This Week in the MCU: Sometimes the internet is good.
- The USB interface is more than 20 years old, so thank your lucky stars it’s been a long time since you’ve had to use a serial port, I guess. USB did at least bring to me the time my brother dunked a thumb drive into a jar of mustard to make a point. (At the time I was a surly teen and he was in his mid-20s; this is the sort of thing we did to pass the time.) It took longer than anyone anticipated to clean the thing up again, so take his example to heart.
- There are lots of modern interpretations of fairy tales, but the horrifying boss in this tale of despair might be the best modern equivalent of Cinderella’s evil stepmother.
- Rita Moreno is a gift. And honestly, her assessment of Brando? It figures.
- This Week in Things I Didn’t Know: Most photocopiers manufactured in the last 15 years has an internal hard drive that saves everything you scan or copy, so anyone can buy used copiers and dump that data. I mean, it’s one thing if my employer looks at our office copier and sees the stuff I scanned to send to my lawyer when I was doing my mom’s probate; it’s working on quite a larger scale when someone can buy a copier used at a health insurer or a law enforcement agency.
- Not every road leads to Rome, but a whole lot of them do.
- RIP this week’s murdered protestors. May each one’s memory be a blessing.