Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or informative.
- Dear friend of the Walk Steve Wille brings to our attention the fact that every fauxspirational COVID-19 ad put out by huge corporations is the same. If you’ve been watching shows on Sling as much as I have lately, you already know some of these. Just remember, the Wednesday Walk is here for you…now more than ever.
- People must be truly, truly desperate if they’re turning to actual vocal phone calls as a means of human connection in a time of isolation.
- Gert McMullin is a major contributor to the AIDS quilt who has now turned more of her attention toward creating face masks for health care workers dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Lots of us have had to get used to the many and varied teleconferencing programs workplaces and schools and doctors and such are turning to, which of course means we’re being surveilled by so many new and interesting dot-com companies. Zoom says it’s monitoring all of its calls for nudity to prevent people from enjoying themselves more than Zoom wants them to, which means Zoom is monitoring all of its calls.
- This Week in Lockdown Hobbies: If your pet is your loving companion during this time of risk and strife, why don’t you treat them right and create a bespoke art museum for them?
- Meanwhile, if you’re the social media manager for a museum, your lockdown hobby might be challenging other social media managers for other museums to post the creepiest things they have in their collections. I swear I saw this severed leg with legs and a face all its own in a Guillermo Del Toro movie not too long ago. And it was sexy as hell.
- This Week in Rabbit Holes: Some of us, when faced with an annoying technical problem, might consult documentation or someone more knowledgeable than ourselves; none of us is the prestigious Foone, who when faced with a technical issue drills deep into it, drills some more, drills to the center of the Earth, and then drills through the other side. Please read allllll the way to the end.
- All of our grandmas had the same couch — big, sturdy, and floral-printed, with fabric that’s a little uncomfortable but durable as the day is long. The story of the grandma cough twists and turns through mass-market trends from the last hundred and fifty years. Now let’s have an investigation of grandma’s feather bed — just how did she get it soft as a downy chick?