Wednesday Walk Around the Web – 03/21/2018

Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer.

  • We still need your advice questions for Steve Wille’s guest appearances on the ol’ Spectacular — big or small, we’ll consider them all! Email us or go to our page to send your questions today. (Your name won’t be read on the show without permission (so tell us what to call you if anything), and allows anonymous submissions.)
  • This Week in Computer History: Back in the day, ejecting a floppy disk in space was an everyday invitation to adventure. Wheeee!
  • Jeff Goldblum continues to be a damn blessing.
  • This Week in Ranked Lists: This rundown of Simpsons beverages sure hits the highlights. For what it’s worth, I would try the homemade Pepsi at least once.
  • If you’ve been frustrated by late-winter snow in the northeastern US, did you know it’s all been because of the Jews controlling the weather?
  • I think we all know that the most meaningful insight you can get into a person’s personality is the way they organize their books.
  • Steve Wille brings word of a new type of aurora known as, well, Steve. (Warning: autoplay video)
  • Let us all bless and keep Terry Crews.
  • Bob Uecker continues to cheat death.
  • Everyone’s been posting their Toys R Us requiems this week, most under the mistaken impression that it just couldn’t compete with Amazon and the like. Actually, Toys R Us was hampered by vulture capitalists including Bain Capital and the like.

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