Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Walk? Comment on the Walk post at the Place to Be Nation Facebook page, or find Glenn on the social media platform of your choice!
- Garfémon is a stylistically bold exploration of what each Pokémon would look like if it were Garfield.
- Also in Pokémon: I never watched the show or played any of the games, because I was too busy with Star Trek to get into pretty much anything else that was popular in the 90s, but I did recently spend hours and hours watching Griffin McElroy do something called a Nuzlocke Challenge, and I do not regret the time spent.
- A collection of home inspection photos reveals the lazy, the dangerous, and the neatness-focused among home renovators.
- This Week in Giving No Fucks: In Pennsylvania, a woman wanted for running a stop sign drove into the river and drank a beer while cops tried to talk to her. An inspiration to us all.
- In 1943, the US made pennies out of steel and zinc so that as much copper could be funneled into the war effort as possible. It turns out that the treasury department also tested out other materials, and now an experimental glass penny turned up at auction.
- One treasure found in a 19th-century French mansion is the most delightful taxidermied-frog scene.
- This Week in Star Wars: Sometimes it’s the little things that pop out at you, such as the realization that Anakin never would’ve annihilated the Jedi and the Empire never would’ve risen if he’d brought Padme to an OBGYN.
- Via Jason Greenhouse, one of the folks who make this whole PTBN thing work, comes news about a toy horse with a dick. Quelle horreur.
- Pablo Escobar’s son has found a life in architecture, of course.
- A statistical analysis of celebrity deaths is built to add credence to what we felt about 2016.
- This Week in Music: There’s a growing metal scene women in Botswana.
- A headline for your consideration: 85 Percent Of Gay People Are Possessed By Ghosts, Paranormal Researchers Claim. Putting aside we fine pansexuals (and bisexuals and asexuals and such), that theory might actually explain some dates I’ve been on. *rimshot*
- I hope those of you who got Christmas trees disposed of them responsibly.
- Bat squeaks can be understood and categorized with the help of machine learning, giving us a great deal of context about the many types of arguments bats have.
- Star Trek movies reduced to just the shots of the ships are still oddly compelling. The Motion Picture could practically qualify for the end-of-Walk relaxation slot, now realizing its destiny as a pure showcase for effects and score.
- This Week in Pets: If you have a business or have any say in how a business is run, consider adopting some office cats to relax employees. brb, sharing with the boss…