WWE Main Event
July 15th, 2014
Announcers: Tom Philips & Byron Saxton
*Hollywood Miz comes out to start the show. Time for Miz TV, the first one on Main Event since Brodus Clay turned heel. Only important things happen on Miz TV you see. Miz reads another letter. He reads a letter called “I’m Leaving Home” similar to LeBron James’s letter. Miz talks bad about Cleveland in Fayetteville, North Carolina and says his new hometown is Hollywood. In a cool bit Miz says I’m the Miz and I’m <pauses while the crowd says awesome> a star. Sheamus comes out and tells Miz to drive his car back to Hollywood and into the ocean. He’d have to stop quite a few times for gas. Miz calls Sheamus jealous of his money maker. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but Sheamus ducks and leaves the ringside. Eh, I like that they’re doing something new with the Miz and this was a good simple build to tonight’s big match. 1 for 1
*Emma vs. Cameron
Naomi is on commentary and Cameron has new music, which might be her horrible rap song. On the Battleground Kick-Off show, the FUNKADACTYLS EXPLODE! Emma out-wrestles Cameron to start, but Cameron blocks a corner charge and gets some kicks and knee lifts. Cameron messes up an abdominal stretch and Emma hits a cross body for two. Emma goes for the tarantula, but Cameron pushes her to the floor. Cameron trash-talks Naomi and Emma rolls her up for the win. After the match Cameron attacks Emma and Naomi chases her off. Wow, Cameron is not a good wrestler at all. Glad Emma got a win but definite fast-forward time. GIRL BYE 1 for 2
*Rybaxel vs. Kofi Kingston & Big E
Axel and Kofi start things out. Not much there and Big E tags in. They mention how Big E beat Axel for the Intercontinental title. That seems so long ago. Ryback tags in and drives Big E into the corner, but Big E hits a belly to belly. Axel tries a sneak attack, but Kofi tosses him out of the ring. With Rybaxel on the floor Kofi runs and gets alley-ooped by Big E out of the ring onto them on the floor. Kofi and Big E celebrate in the ring, while we go to COMMERCIAL BREAK. We get an ad for Saturday Night’s Main Event. We come back and Big E brings Axel in the ring with the belly to belly and then hits a splash. Big E takes the straps down, but Axel rolls to the floor. Ryback distracts Big E and Axel hits a clothesline off the apron. Rybaxel starts working over Big E, with constant tags. Ryback works a headlock and Axel comes in and drops some elbows. Axel tags in the Big Guy and he hits a splash for two. Ryback goes for a powerbomb, but Big E hits a back body drop and makes the hot tag to Kofi. Kofi comes in with jumping clotheslines and hits the Boom Drop on Axel. Kofi sets up for the Trouble in Paradise, but Ryback distracts Kofi. Axel throws Kofi into the corner, but Kofi hits his hanging kick thing in the corner and then a cross-body for two. Ryback comes in and goes for the Shell Shock on Kofi, but Big E runs in and clotheslines Ryback and Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise for the win. Good, energetic tag match. 2 for 3
*We get a review of Sting being in 2K15. It looked pretty cool, but I think they should’ve put in some clips of Sting wrestling so the 8-year-old fans understand who he is. We then get a preview of the 4-Way for Battleground. They hammer down the fact that Cena doesn’t even need to get pinned to lose the title. Those sounds like odds to be overcome.
*Renee Young interviews the Miz and he’s a star and has a money maker. He blows Renee a kiss but she doesn’t like it, obviously Miz is no Roman Reigns.
*Miz vs. Sheamus
There match on Raw was really good, the best Miz match in quite a while. Sheamus keeps going to lock up, but Miz keeps breaking things up and protecting his face. Miz rolls out of the ring and I think Miz watched some Memphis recently. I like how the announcers mention Marine 3: Home Front and Christmas Bounty like they are prestigious movies. Sheamus goes for the Ten Beats of the Bowry, but Miz again escapes. Miz hits a hangman on the ropes and gets some offense. Miz hits his corner clothesline and comes off the top, but Sheamus hits him in the gut and then hits the Ten Beats of the Bowry. Miz goes for a shot to the face and Miz bails again. Sheamus clotheslines Miz on the floor. Sheamus throws Miz into the ring, but he dropkicks Sheamus off the apron and then whips Sheamus into the barricade. Sheamus just beats the count in. Miz goes for a DDT, but Sheamus back body drops out of it and hits some running forearms and knee-lift to the money maker. Sheamus hits a powerslam and prepares for the Brogue Kick but Miz ducks out of the way, but Sheamus rolls up Miz as he covers his face. Okay match, although they’re really beating the “Miz doesn’t want to get hit in the face” drum pretty hard. Sheamus poses near the IC title and puts the US title right next to it. 3 for 4
Final Thoughts: Okay show with two above average matches, but nothing standing out. Really hammered home the IC Battle Royal for Battleground with six competitors being in the Battle Royal.