PTBN Holiday Tournament Spectacular – Round 6, Final Four


Holiday traditions are the bridging gap between generations. They serve as a trip down memory lane to a more grandiose era for the elder statesman of the family. Likewise, they serve as a nostalgic trip for Millenials who for once won’t feel the pressure to be constantly reminded that their generation is inferior. In a world where social, political and religious values vary wildly among group of friends much less enemies, holiday traditions are rooted in the value system that still is held on a pedestal almost universally, quality time with “family”. The other amazing thing about the holiday traditions is nothing is off base or lambasted. I personally watched a Japanese wrestling match every year for Christmas because it is something I enjoy. That is a holiday tradition not likely shared by anyone else, but it is MY tradition. This poll is not a proclamation that the winners of each poll are things that you must universally do during the holiday season, it is merely an osmosis project to determine which are the most common things that are associated with the holidays among our PTBN family. This project exists to allow the voter to place MY holiday piece of nostalgia ahead in the poll where it becomes OUR holiday nostalgia. Grab a cup of egg-nog every day and enjoy debating the results of the polls like a family sitting around the Holiday table. That is what the season is all about.

– Chad Campbell

The Place to Be Nation staff has come together to choose and rank 128 of the best movies, TV shows, foods, and experiences of the holiday season. We’re down to 16 items in the battle to determine the top dog of the holidays!

Vote for one item in each poll below. Videos for each one lie below the polls to refresh your memory.

PTBN Holiday Tournament Spectacular: #8 vs. #36

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PTBN Holiday Tournament Spectacular: #2 vs. #6

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