Mild-mannered reporters by day, Greg Phillips and Nick Duke share an intense love of comic books that has made them the Hard-Traveling Fanboys. Some events, however, call for more than just two fanboys to discuss. Banding together with fellow comic book aficionados on these occasions, Greg and Nick will present a GIANT-SIZED edition of their weekly podcast.
In this edition, the ENTIRE comics staff of PTBN — Greg, Nick, Todd Weber, Tim Capel, Russell Sellers and Stephanie Holly — join together for the geekiest of all endeavors: a fantasy comic book draft.
The rules are simple, yet complex: Each participant is tasked with drafting a roster of writers, artists and characters sufficient to create 12 to 15 monthly comic book titles. From there, the participants were to take their draft picks and create formal pitches for each of their fictitious books.
This podcast is the live, unedited draft recorded on a Friday night. NOTE: The PTBN Wellness Policy was not enforced this night.
For a round-by-round listing of the draft, click HERE
Following up the 2nd Biennial Peter David Memorial Place to Be Nation Fantasy Comics Draft (presented by a hypothetical DC Unlimited online subscription service), this is the ultimate payoff for this geeky project: the staff of PTBN POP! get to flex their creative muscles and turn their draft picks into a fantasy comic book universe. This is the main event, folks, and we’ve got some great ideas from the staff — Greg, Nick, Russell, Stephanie, Tim and Todd!
For a link to the full pitches, the draft itself and the rules, click HERE!