Blockbuster Rewatch – Captain Marvel (#22)

On the twenty-second episode of Blockbuster Rewatch, Andy Atherton welcomes Mirandia Berthold to do a live watch of 2019’s Captain Marvel continuing his MCU rewatch. Originally broadcasted live on Stream…

Blockbuster Rewatch – Ant-Man and the Wasp

On the twenty-first episode of Blockbuster Rewatch, Andy Atherton welcomes Steve Riddle to do a live watch of 2018’s Ant-Man And The Wasp continuing his MCU rewatch. Originally broadcasted live…

Blockbuster Rewatch – Black Panther (#19)

On the nineteenth episode of Blockbuster Rewatch, Andy Atherton welcomes Nate Milton to do a live watch of 2018’s Black Panther continuing his MCU rewatch. Originally broadcasted live on Stream…

Blockbuster Rewatch – Thor: Ragnarok (#18)

On the eighteenth episode of Blockbuster Rewatch, Andy Atherton welcomes Scott Criscuolo to do a live watch of the 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok continuing his MCU rewatch. Originally broadcasted live on…

Blockbuster Rewatch – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. II (#17)

On the seventeenth episode of Blockbuster Rewatch, Andy Atherton welcomes Greg Diener to do a live watch of the 2018’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. II continuing his MCU rewatch.…

Blockbuster Rewind – Independence Day Series (#14)

On the fourteenth episode of Blockbuster Rewind, co-hosts Scott Shifflett, Eric Eells & Andy Atherton discuss Independence Day and it’s sequel Independence Day: Resurgence. And as a bonus they also…

Blockbuster Rewind – The Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise (#13)

On the thirteenth episode of Blockbuster Rewind, co-hosts Andy Atherton, Scott Shifflett & Eric Eells are joined by their guest Mirandia Berthold to discuss the Pirates of the Caribbean film…

Blockbuster Rewind – Friday The 13th 1-4 (#12)

On the 12th episode of Blockbuster Rewind, cohosts Eric Eells and Scott Shifflett are joined by Scott Criscuolo and Jennifer Smith as they discuss the first 4 films of the…

Blockbuster Rewind – Major League Series (#11)

On the eleventh episode of Blockbuster Rewind, co-hosts Scott Shifflett, Eric Eells & Andy Atherton are joined by their guest Matt Souza to discuss the Major League film series. They…

Blockbuster Rewind – Robocop Franchise (#9)

On the ninth episode of Blockbuster Rewind, co-hosts Eric Eells, Andy Atherton & Scott Shifflett are joined by guests Bronx Johnny & Tim Capel to discuss the Robocop franchise. They…