- The PTB Nation Link of the Week sees Justin and Jen go deep on 90’s girl bands. This is a as good an opportunity as there will ever be for me to share my favorite Spice Girls Song, “Viva Forever” as performed at Pavarotti & Friends 98, a benefit concert for the children of Liberia, with Pavarotti singing backup. Two quick observations. One, I’m suddenly a tad uncomfortable with the fact that my favorite song by a girl band is one where they’re accompanied by a dude. Two, and I can’t believe I never noticed this in the last 15 years, they’re down one Spice Girl. Perhaps Absent Spice is not Pavarotti’s friend.
- “It’s cold, so let’s do science” is just an impossibly hopeful sentence to hear. NOTE: this has been a boon for heh-heh-these-people-are-dumb-lolz as well as science.
- Depression really does make the world just a tad bit gray.
- New Zealand wants you to slow the hell down.
- Friend of the Walk Jason Krowe has two links for you, link one and link two. First, Thinkgeek has your hookup for adult lasertag. Second, Krowe recently watched this happen to his friend Andy Eichholz in a bout. Ahem. Ouch. He seems to be taking it well, though.
- Stunning archaeological discoveries of heiroglyphs reveal the ancient underpinnings of our dearest myths.
- The Insane Clown Posse is suing the FBI for including the juggalos in their gang threat assessment.
- When you’re a centaur, it’s very important to make an effective disguise.
- Life goes on, especially in an office.
- 25 years of Poirot have come to an end.
- The University of California Press offers over 700 free ebooks to the public.
- You can find out a lot by going deep on baby names.
- This is your head. This is your head on a Mercator projection.
- This Week in Headlines.
- Oral Histories of Everything: the Enola Gay.
- There are some strong opinions going around about Star Wars expanded universe issues.
- This view of a ski jump is pretty cool, though I kind of want to see the camera turned around so we get a first-person view of the other side.
- Hey everyone! Sin Cara’s trying out for the Olympics!
- Fart jokes have always been funny.
- Come on, science, give us some dragons.
- Jenny McCarthy apparently made some errors. Golly.
- The internet has thus far shown no signs of time travelers. Expect to see this study again when the Ig Nobel Prizes are announced.
- The regulation MLB home plate is mathematically impossible.
Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Wednesday Walk? Email Glenn!