A Somewhat Different Alternative: NXT 3-18-2015

The last couple of shows have left me worried about what NXT is going to be going forward. Let’s hope this week will be an improvement. NXT 3-18-2015 We are…

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 4/17/14

Taped from Orlando, Florida Your hosts are Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Renee Young & William Regal Colin Cassady v. Aiden English The word in the locker room is that Aiden…

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 3/13/14

Taped from Orlando, FL Your hosts are Tom Phillips, Alex Riley & Jason “Tensai” Albert.  Why not just call him Matt Bloom? Paige v. Sasha Banks Sasha disapproves of Paige’s…

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 2/12/14

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Or as most wrestling fans know it, Friday. I have to say, I’m starting to get a real bad feeling about the direction of this show ever…

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 1/29/14

Taped from Orlando, FL Your hosts are Alex Riley, Tom Phillips & William Regal The Ascension v. Two Jobbers The geeks in question have such ridiculous names that they don’t…

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 1/8/14

I’m so jazzed for this network I can’t even tell you.  It’s become such a rarity for something to make me excited about wrestling again, and this deal has done…

Mike’s NXT Recap 8/14/13

Hey everybody. I want to apologize for no report last week. Time really got away from me at the end of the week, and by then, it seemed kind of…

Mike’s NXT Recap 7/31/13

The show starts with Enzo Amore and Big Cas. They finally let Cas talk and he basically imitates Amore, before singing in the ring, while Enzo dances. This brings out…

Mike’s NXT Recap 7/11/2013

EMMA defeated SUMMER RAE to advance to the finals of the NXT Women’s Title Tournament. Rae controlled most of the match, using her long legs for leverage in submissions and…

Mike’s NXT Recap 7/3/13

Renee Young opens the show backstage with the NXT Champion, Bo Dallas. She asks him about his first title defense and Leo Kruger. Dallas says it doesn’t matter who he…