Hey everybody. I want to apologize for no report last week. Time really got away from me at the end of the week, and by then, it seemed kind of pointless to do one that late.
Paul Heyman opens the show. He walks to the ring, and talks about scouting a new Paul Heyman guy. He puts over the product, saying he’s blown away by everything he’s seen. He says the locker room contains not only the next Paul Heyman Guy, but the next Paul Heyman, the next Brock Lesnar, the next Curtis Axel… which brings Axel out. Heyman says that the crowd is in awe of perfection, but Axel’s better than Perfect. Axel won’t be defending the Intercontinental Title, because there’s not a man in Florida man enough to take the title. This brings out Big E. Langston, who disagrees with Heyman’s statement. Axel then tells Big E that if he wants an opportunity at the Intercontinental Title match, he’s got it… but not tonight. Maybe at Thanksgiving, or Christmas… Langston tells him to shut up, and put the title up now… and Axel does!
They brawl back and forth, until Langston gets a big belly to belly, followed by a clothesline over the top rope. Langston uses his strength to control, until Axel hits a clothesline to the back of the head to take Big E. down. Axel hits a snapmare/flipping neck snap/dropkick combination to try to maintain his advantage, but Langston is able to hit a series of clotheslines, and an E train body tackle. Heyman jumps in the ring and hits Langston to cause the DQ. Axel jumps Langston from behind to leave him laying, and then Axel grabs the IC belt. Axel goes to hit Langston, but Langston ducks it and hits the Big Ending.
Renee Young is backstage with Sami Zayn. Zayn’s asked about the recent comments from Bo Dallas, as well as the Zeb Colter/Cesaro video that exposed him. Zayn said Dallas is on the backburner, but the issue with Cesaro has been going on for way too long. He talks about being Arabic, being Canadian, and he’s not ashamed of who he is. He’s challenged Cesaro to a match over a month ago, to no response, so now he’s challenging him to a two out of three falls match. (HELL YEAH, even though I’ve been geeked about this match for a month now.) He’s going to expose Cesaro for what he is… a coward.
Sylvester Lefort comes out while Ryan’s in the ring, and talks about how much money Dawson makes him.
This might be two of my least favorite NXT people in one match. Ryan uses his size to dominate, hitting some big running clotheslines in the corner. As the match gets started, Enzo Amore and Big Cass come down to the ring, allowing Dawson to jump Ryan from behind, but it doesn’t last long, as Ryan hits a big boot and a camel clutch slam for the win. Amore and Cass try to attack Ryan after the ring, but are unsuccessful, and then Dawson is military pressed onto them.
Summer Rae gained this shot, despite winning last week’s dance off, by jumping Emma and making her unable to get cleared, medically. The Anti-Diva takes the early advantage, but Summer was able to take advantage when she countered a kick by Page into a faceplant, and followed it up with what was kind of a Styles Clash with Paige on all fours. Paige is able to come back with a barrage of back elbows in the corner, and then took her to the ropes, where she nailed her with a series of knees. Paige then hits the Paige Turner, and that’s all she wrote!
Renee is backstage with A.J. Lee. A.J.’s defending the title next week, but she doesn’t have a challenger. Lee says she doesn’t care who she’s defending the title against, even against Renee. Bayley sneaks up behind A.J. and gives her a big hug. Bayley introduces herself, and then basically says she’s been stalking A.J. all day. Bayley then asks if she could wrestle for the title next week, and Lee says yes. The characters really mesh well… unfortunately, Bayley said she didn’t know why people call her crazy, which causes A.J. to do a 180, personality-wise, although she let the hate simmer while Bayley assumed everything was cool.
During the break, Emma jumped Summer Rae. I guess it was during the A.J. promo. Regal didn’t mind Rae getting some comeuppance.
Seth Rollins ends up getting isolated from the rest of the Shield, which allowed the babyfaces to take control, including a big headscissor takedown from Woods. After some brawling on the outside, Woods and Neville hit dives in stereo to take out the Shield. After Dean Ambrose got in some trouble, Graves locked on the Lucky 13, but the Shield got involved and broke it up. After a hot tag, Neville went for the Skytwister press, but Ambrose got his knees up. This allowed Rollins to get tagged in, and he went for a countered German Suplex, which allowed Woods to get tagged in. Woods hits the Honor Roll, followed by Lost in the Woods, but Roman Reigns was able to break up the pin. Neville takes out Reigns with a hurricanrana over the top rope. Graves flew over the top rope with Ambrose, as Woods went for a Superplex on Rollins, which was countered into a power bomb in the opposite corner, followed by a spear by Reigns for the win. This match’s first half wasn’t much, but once it got going, it really got going.
Renee is backstage with Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro takes offense at being called coward, because he’s the boss of the world. Cesaro officially accepts the two out of three falls match, and then is jumped by Zayn as officials break it up to end the show.
The show was good, not as great as it has been in other weeks, but good. I miss the Wyatts already.