Scott’s Main Event Recap 6/26/13

Christian makes his return to Main Event this week against US Champion Dean Ambrose (Courtesy WWE)
Christian makes his return to Main Event this week against US Champion Dean Ambrose (Courtesy WWE)

WWE Main Event
June 26, 2013
Columbia, South Carolina

We get right down to it as Y2J Chris Jericho comes out without the obligatory open fireworks.

MATCH: Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes
Wow this is an interesting match-up. Josh says this is Chris Jericho’s first Main Event match ever. The Miz says WWE is the “place to be”. Ahem, royalties please? I love it, Cody does an old school heel eye poke. Ah the little things to make a heel work. Jericho quickly recovers with chops. I’m looking forward to Jericho/Ryback at MITB. Ryback hasn’t had a real chance to get a good worker in a high profile match. Miz just mentioned John Morrison. Of course he insulted him, but still. I wonder if he got shit for that. Cody reversed the Walls attempt into the Disaster Kick. Jericho is still selling the eye poke. Nice. Cody hits the Alabama Slam for 2. They go back and forth and Cody hits Cross Rhodes but Jericho kicked out at 2. Jericho then hits the Codebreaker but he’s slow to the pin. He finally crawls over but Cody gets his foot on the ropes. Cody regains momentum and gets a roll-up (and tights) for 2. Cody goes for Cross Rhodes again but Jericho reverses it into the Walls and Cody taps out. I know Cody keeps losing but he continues to look great in the ring. Nice win for Jericho but Cody looked strong in losing.

The RVD vignette. July 14, Philly.

Antonio Cesaro comes out with Zeb Colter. Cesaro is dressed like a French painter. He starts making fun of the Gamecocks, which Colter calls a “fighting chicken”. He pretty much says southerners are illiterate and can’t read or write. Cesaro takes the mike and says “I didn’t sneak over the border like a criminal nor did a big company get me in. I earned my time here.” Zeb wants his country back. So Cesaro has replaced the injured Jack Swagger. Good promo, as they haven’t really had one since these two have worked together.

MATCH: Dean Ambrose vs. Christian
Wow two for two on awesome matchups this week. Ambrose dominates early, making Christian look a little rusty. Ten months off will do that to you. Christian makes a comeback but when he goes to the ropes Rollins throws him off to the canvas causing the DQ.

The Shield goes 3-on-1 on Christian when the Usos comes down to help out and clean the Hounds of Justice out of the ring. So it is official that Reigns/Rollins will defend the tag straps against The Usos at MITB.

We go back to Monday night, and the Punk/Heyman summit.

Miz says Paul Heyman will be on Miz TV Friday night on Smackdown. Next Monday on Raw, CM Punk teams with Curtis Axel to face the PrimeTime Players. Speaking of, they head down to ringside.

MATCH: Primetime Players vs. Tons of Funk
Naomi and Camryn are singing with some other chick the big guys’ theme song. I guess the singing is a change of pace. The new girl singing is JoJo, who I guess is part of that “Total Divas” debacle on E! The match is a back and forth power affair. Brodus gets the hot face tag and works Titus over. The match starts breaking down as all four men get in the ring. Brodus goes shoulder first into the post and when Titus pins him, DY is holding his foot for leverage. With that we’re out.

SCOTT’S TAKE: Any time they can fit three matches on the show it works for me. Christan/Ambrose could be going somewhere.