Scott’s Main Event Recap, 5/22/13

Alberto Del Rio

WWE Main Event
May 22, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska

Michael Cole welcomes us to another great episode of Ion Television’s Main Event!

MATCH: Alberto Del Rio vs. Big E. Langston
I thought I liked the Miz as a color commentator, but I don’t. Not yet. He doesn’t show his personality, he’s just Josh Matthews on Red Bull. This is a rematch from Raw. I know everyone probably thinks I’m just shitting on everything, so I’ll admit that rather than fill Smackdown with a rematch from Raw, stick it here. Del Rio dominates early, including a plancha through the ropes to Big E. on the floor. AJ distracts and Big E. is in control. They don’t do the whole “watch the match during commercial on the WWE App” thing, probably because it’s taped. Although I think they do it on Smackdown. It’s been 10 minutes and they haven’t mentioned the App yet. I like Big E right now. He’s a big hoss with big power moves that he puts over, similar to early Bobby Lashley. Sure laugh all you want, but early on he did the same thing. Langston has really done a great job of working Del Rio over with big heel power moves with Del Rio making the comebacks. Langston went for a move but Del Rio was playing Opossum and went for the armbreaker, but Langston kept his hands clasped and lifted Del Rio up, then dropping him. This is easily Langston’s best match so far. Del Rio hits an Enziguiri on Big E, then rolls him up for the victory. Definitely a top 3 TV match of the week. Very well worked.

We go back to Monday night, and Ryback’s promo and challenge for an Ambulance Match at Payback. Then he throws Zack Ryder into said ambulance later in the show.

MATCH: The Usos vs. Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre
I like how the Usos are being semi-pushed on TV, like maybe they can be a future #1 contender for the Tag Titles. This match has been pretty standard, while Cole announces that Miz will get his Intercontinental Title rematch with Wade Barrett Friday on Smackdown. 3MB has actually dominated the action for the most part. I miss Drew McIntyre in the “Chosen One” gimmick and the Intercontinental Champion. The hot tag to Jey and some moves were slightly off kilter, borderline sloppy. Suddenly in the middle of the match we get a siren and an ambulance. I thought Scott Steiner was back, but out comes Ryback and this is what I want to see now. He shouldn’t say another word for the next 4 weeks. Just drive up to the arena, get in the ring and crush people. He lays out Heath Slater, then brings him to the ambulance and dumps him in it. That’s awesome, just keep this up and not say another word. The match continues and with Heath gone the other two are discombobulated and after the splash the Usos get the win.

We finish with a recap of Monday night’s finish when we saw Paul Heyman’s new client Curtis Axel came out, faced Triple H and then the Game was disoriented, ala Shawn in 1995. Cole says Triple H has post-concussion syndrome. With that we’re out.

SCOTT’S TAKE: Not a bad show, with the usual recaps and two pretty solid matches.