Chad and Parv review this mostly forgotten Clash from 1992.
[0:01:15] Review of Clash of the Champions 19: No Meltzers this week, but Chad and Parv do their best to answer all the burning questions … Dean Malenko – Dory Funk Jr of the 90s?; Z-Man still under contract?; who is Larry O’Day and why was he flown over from Australia?; why can Dr. Death only think about “queers”?; who was the team from Puerto Rico?; why has Barry Windham still got his hand taped up?; why does Jesse Ventura hate Mexicans?; Beef Wellington: the Robbie Brookside to Benoit’s Regal?; who was facing Hase and Nogami under the hood?; and why does everyone think this is the best Steiners match ever?
[1:30:19] End of show awards
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