A new series of Pop Goes The Classics looking at the Disney animated features kicks off as Andy Atherton, Mirandia Berthold & Chad Campbell look at 1937’s Snow White &…
Tag: Snow White
Once Upon A Time: #SAVEHENRY
After nine weeks of traipsing around Neverland trying to #SAVEHENRY we finally get to set sail again for Storybooke, the Jolly Roger now a rescue ship for everyone Lost on the Island…
Once Upon A Time: “Think Lovely Thoughts” Review
AKA “What’s My Age Again?” To say that the “Think Lovely Thoughts” is the biggest and most eventful episode of Once Upon A Time’s Third season would be an understatement. We…
Once Upon A Time : Ariel AKA “This is My Confession…”
While it was no secret that Disney’s most amphibious princess was going to be front and center this week on Once Upon A Time (the episode bears her name after…
Once Upon A Time Review: “Cause I’m A Liar”
AKA “I Must Have Got Lost” Well, we are still LOST and running around the Island of Neverland trying to find a way to #SAVEHENRY before Peter Pan can convince…
Once Upon A Time: Lost Girl (aka Who Are You?)
“Let it go. Let yourself go. Slow and Low that is the tempo.”-The Beastie Boys Visions of people who aren’t there giving advice to characters wandering through the jungle of…
Once Upon A Time: I’m A Believer
Season Two of Once Upon A Time began with an air of uncertainty. The curse that Regina had placed on all the inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest (except for those…
Double Vision
When you think you have seen a movie with the same plot recently, it is not by accident. I was an employee at Blockbuster Video for many years in my…