Pro Wrestling Love #3

Episode #3: Volume 3 of Pro Wrestling Love sees Marty Sleeze & Jerome/El-P rock ‘n’ roll through the middle part of their Top 25 Matches of TNA/Impact Wrestling covering #16-11. The highlight of this podcast is the extensive breakdown of the Greatest Feud in TNA history: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels. Jerome & Marty marvel at how these two greats were able to make each match feel different as together they place 5 very different matches on this Top 25 countdown. In addition, we cover the terrific Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim series. Jerome breaks down the psychology of Young Bucks/Gen Me in their awesome match against the Motor City Machine Guns. Marty & Jerome discuss the finer points of intergender wrestling through the prism of Sami Callihan & Tessa Blanchard. Check out Pro Wrestling Love volume 3 and we hope you find something to love!