PWL Ep. 22 (WWF 1988-97 pt 2): Marty & Pete return to continue their countdown of the Top 25 Best WWF Matches of 1988-97 on the Pro Wrestling Love show. Both Marty & Pete are on the Pro Wrestling Only forums as Superstar Sleeze & PeteF3 respectively and on Twitter as Superstarsleeze and Machina25. This week they are looking at their #20-16. Marty & Pete bust up in an unusual tangent about who is the best stomper of all time. Pete gives a great breakdown of the famous Bret Hart vs Bob Backlund match at Survivor Series 1994. The Jumping Bomb Angels & Glamour Girls triggers a sidetrack on Powerbombs in America, Art Crews and Joyce Grable & Wendi Richter. We talk about the most American of all matches the epic Desert Storm Match pitting Hulk Hogan against Sgt. Slaughter. All this and much, much more. Click the link, download and enjoy. Let us know what you think of Pro Wrestling Love!