Place to Be Podcast Episode 427: WWF House Show – Madison Square Garden 1/21/85


In this episode of the Place to Be Podcast, Justin & Scott reset the timeline of the Vintage Vault by heading back January 21, 1985 to take a look at WWF’s Madison Square Garden house show!

The boys discuss some WWF history, the evolution of Madison Square Garden, the MSG debut of Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart’s potential as a singles star, Don Muraco’s new association with Mr. Fuji, sepsis, the debut of Rita Marie, the epic Andre the Giant vs. Heenan Family feud, the stardom of Madonna, the ballsy George Wells, the waning moments of Roddy Piper’s feud with Jimmy Snuka, the pathetic showing by the Spoiler, curfews, the chemistry between Greg Valentine and Tito Santana and much more, including end of show awards!

So fire up this action-packed episode and join Scott and Justin as it’s time for another edition of the PTB Podcast!

Check out more from the Place to Be Podcast right here at Place to Be Nation including interviews with Kevin Kelly, Steve CorinoJ.J. DillonScott KeithChristopher Robin ZimmermanChristopher DanielsGary Michael CappettaScott Hudson, Bruno LauerStevie RichardsEddie Edwards and many, many more.

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