Between the Sheets #183: January 16-22, 2000

Kris & David are guestless this week to take on a Between the Sheets like no other: The happenings in World Championship Wrestling for the week that was January 16-22, 2000. We talk about all the drama that went into the Souled Out PPV including massive indecision by Bill Busch on many subjects, which leads to Chris Benoit winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title only to get stripped of the title the next night and released from his contract days later along with Eddy Guerrero, Dean Malenko, & Perry Saturn. We then discuss the PPV itself, Nitro, & Thunder, including the drama surrounding those shows as well, like Vince Russo being removed from power to be replaced by Kevin Sullivan, and how that made the situation a whole lot worse. This is a show that will go down in the books as one of our best, no doubt, so you better not miss it!!!!

0:00:00 Everything goes to hell a few days before Souled Out
1:12:32 Souled Out & other Sunday stuff
2:04:29 Classic Commercial Break
2:09:36 Housekeeping/The Amazon Game
2:42:48 Nitro & other Monday stuff
3:50:55 Thunder & everything else that happened in WCW that week
4:58:35 Patreon Preview: Who sabotaged Eddie Gilbert & Paul Heyman’s Continental Wrestling Federation booking stint?

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