Wrestling’s 4 Corners: January 12th – January 18th

Every week, Aaron George watches Raw, NXT, Smackdown and Impact and breaks down what worked, what didn’t and what upset him on a profound level. All in a convenient Top 4 format.

Week 2- January 12th-18th

lesnar yelling
Lesnar is upset Selma was snubbed by the Academy

The Top 4 Matches of The Week:

4. Dean Ambrose Vs Rusev – RAW

3. The Wolves Vs The Hardy Boys – IMPACT

2. Finn Balor Vs Tyson Kidd – NXT

1. Sami Zayn Vs Adrian Neville NXT Title – NXT

The Bottom 4 Matches of The Week

4. The Ascension Vs Jobbers – RAW

3. The Beautiful People Vs Taryn Terrell/Brooke Adams – IMPACT

2. Nikki Bella Vs Natalya – SMACKDOWN

1. Brie Bella Vs Paige – RAW

The Top 4 Promos/Skits

4. Stephanie McMahon worries for Daniel Bryan’s unborn box-troll children – RAW

3. MVP: I made Bobby Lashley and this title is OURS! – IMPACT

2.Seth Rollins is not afraid of Brock Lesnar – SMACKDOWN

1.Stephanie scolds John Cena for making her fire those men – RAW

The Bottom 4 Promos/Skits

4. James Storm’s walking around like he’s Bray Wyatt – IMPACT

3.  Bobby Roode, the crap has gone too far!!! – IMPACT

2. Roman Reigns has no problem with Ambrose or Bryan – SMACKDOWN

1. Roman Reigns and his magic beans – RAW

Well Done Sir…

The 4 Best Performers

4. Dean Ambrose – RAW/SMACKDOWN

3. Stephanie McMahon – RAW

2. Sami Zayn – NXT

1. Adrian Neville – NXT

The 4 Worst Performers

4. Jerry The King Lawler – SMACKDOWN

3. James Storm – IMPACT

2. Roman Reigns – RAW/SMACKDOWN

1. Michael Cole – RAW/SMACKDOWN

4 Great Little Moments

4. Wyatt’s pre-tapes make me hungry to see the character again – RAW/SMACKDOWN

3. Ambrose still selling the leg injury from last week – RAW

2. Tyson Kidd’s cat tights – NXT

1. All of Stephanie’s pantomime heel mannerisms. Especially “This Authority?” – RAW

4 Moments that angered/embarrassed me

4. When Michael Cole says “Superkick (or anything) for the win” but then doesn’t act surprised when they kick out. – SMACKDOWN

3. James Storm’s embarrassing Bray Wyatt rip off – IMPACT

2. Seth Rollins exposes the gimmick by cashing in when the Champion isn’t there – SMACKDOWN

1. The commentators do nothing but talk about circumstance and storylines and do not mention anything that’s going on in the matches. They’ll brand everyone in the match with a “Ambrose in there now,” but then not say a single thing about what’s happening. It’s all about wrestler X’s chance in the Royal Rumble or at Wrestlemania instead of say “Dean Ambrose is getting his leg broken by Big Show.” Listening to them is like listening to three guys tell an unrelated story while a wrestling match is going on. Occasionally they’ll punctuate something with an “Ohhhhhh” but it’s more like two guys in a bar talking about their wives and they catch a hard tackle in a football game playing in a corner. They add nothing. – EVERY WWE SHOW

4 Great Chants/Signs

4. “Ole” – NXT (it was a weak week for this category)

3. “Daniel Bryan!” Great to hear it again – RAW

2. Sign: “Boo for Seth Rollins.” Indeed kid… – SMACKDOWN

1. “Hoooooooooooooooooo!” At Stephanie – RAW

4 Times I Genuinely Laughed

4. Ambrose “Toothpaste” and “Hooooooooooo” – RAW

3. Ambrose calls back to “Thursday” commercial with shrink – RAW

2. Santino’s Randy Savage “Oh yeah?” – RAW

1. Kenny King on Eric Young: “He’s a couple of hugs shy of a happy childhood” – IMPACT

The 4 Best Spots

4. Bull Hammer elbow to a flying Sin Cara – SMACKDOWN

3. Cesaro swing into Tyson Kidd dropkick – RAW

2. Adrian Neville’s jumping hurricanrana piledriver – NXT

1. Adrian Neville counters Sami Zayn’s jump through the outside ropes with a stiff-ass kick – NXT

4 Questions

4. What happened to Paige? Who is she now? IS she just a weird reality TV person now or the serious wrestler we were introduced to?

3. Why are so many people into Bobby Roode, James Storm and Eric Young? They just always look like they’re trying way too hard.

2. Are the weird camera shots and angles on Impact helping or hurting the product?

1. Why can’t the match at the Rumble just be Lesnar vs Rollins?

Rank These Shows Already Asshole




1. NXT

Year To Date Show Ranking

It’s a point system, 1st pace gets 4 pts, 2nd gets 3pts, 3rd gets 2 pts and last gets 1. We add them up every week. I think everyone understands this concept at this point…

See now this feels right...
See now this feels right…


  1. 4. SMACKDOWN (3)
  4. 1. NXT(7)
Hanging on cause there's already a picture of Neville!
Hanging on cause there’s already a picture of Neville!

Best Performer

  1. 4. SAMI ZAYN(3)
  2. 3. SETH ROLLINS(3)
  4. 1. MVP(4)
He’s talking about ruining the show.

Worst Performer

  1. 4. JAMES STORM(2)
  2. 3. JBL(3)
  3. 2. MICHAEL COLE(6)
  4. 1. ROMAN REIGNS(6)

Thanks for reading! Check us out next week for more 4 Corners!