Now Entering the Rumble #5: Ron Bass, Brian Blair, Hillbilly Jim, Dino Bravo & Ultimate Warrior

Aaron & JT are Now Entering the Rumble… and so are you! In this episode, the boys break down every Royal Rumble match appearance by Ron Bass, Brian Blair, Hillbilly…

Vintage Vault Pre-Viewing: The Main Event V

Hulk Hogan and Tugboat vs. Earthquake and Dino Bravo (w/ “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart) Coming out of the Rumble and as we continue the build to Wrestlemania, we…

Vintage Vault Pre-Viewing: Summerslam 1990

Hulk Hogan (w/ the Big Bossman) vs. Earthquake (w/ “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart and Dino Bravo) We are now at the biggest event of the summer and there…

Jeff Learns Wrestling #11: Royal Rumble 1988

Jeff Machado and JT Rozzero are best friends but Jeff has never been a wrestling fan… until now. With decades of wrestling history to catch up on, JT is leading…

Writing Wrestling History: SummerSlam 1987

The crew over at the Place to Be Podcast have made it to late summer of 1987.  Hulkamania is running wild all over the world taking on a variety of…

Between the Sheets #86: March 8-14, 1993

Kris & David are guestless this week to discuss the week that was March 8-14, 1993. The top story of the week is the brutal murder of Dino Bravo, as…

Letters from Kayfabe #2

Allan and Parv step close to the very edges of “the cheese platter” as they go deeper into the world of WWF. 1. The Mailbag: Hogan Fist Helmet / brown-hair…

The Scientific Ranking of SummerSlams Part 2

Welcome back to the Scientific Ranking of SummerSlam! If you haven’t already please check out part 1 here! Here we go with round two! SummerSlam has been the biggest party…

This Week in 90’s Wrestling: March 8th-14th

MARCH 8 1990 Entertainment Tonight aired a fascinating piece on steroids in professional wrestling, which specifically spotlighted Superstar Graham and Bruno Sammartino. Graham conservatively estimated that 90% of all wrestlers…

The Great WrestleMania Re-Book: WrestleMania VII

Our staff re-books WrestleMania VII, with wildly varying results!