Impact Wrestling
September 5, 2013
Cleveland, Ohio
We go back to last week when AJ Styles set the tone for the home stretch of Bound for Glory, saying he wants to be the “go-to” guy, and Bully Ray has a title match in a week at No Surrender, but tonight he faces Sting. We are back in Cleveland where the crowd is ready to rock and roll. We also have a “last chance” gauntlet match for 20 BFG points. The last chance for someone to get into the top four and be in the final match next week at No Surrender. The BFG participants comment on the big match one by one.
Back in the arena and out comes the club, led by President and World Champion Bully Ray. Bully wants to start off by saying “The Aces & 8’s are in total control.” He puts his brothers over, and he is proud. Bully says he’d be nothing without his club. He says what happened last week is in the past. Bully stops at Tito Ortiz and really puts him over. He stops at Anderson, who’s kind of annoyed. Bully says Anderson is the best VP anyone could have and they hug. Bully says Aces & 8’s have it all under control. Bischoff/Brisco face the World Tag Team Champions, and Knux faces Chris Sabin. He says Anderson will run the gauntlet and win the 20 BFG points. Bully will stay with Miss Tessmacher at the announce table.
MATCH: Knux vs. Chris Sabin
This is the first time we’ve seen Sabin since the World Title loss at Hardcore Justice. Sabin uses his speed to bob and weave from the big guy’s attacks. Bully Ray is at ringside jaw-jacking with Sabin while the former champ is in a headlock. Knux is working very slow and methodically pummeling Sabin. Sabin ducks a charge into the ropes and hits a missile drop kick. Bully then gets a hammer from Taz and gives it to Knux, but Sabin kicks Knux in the leg and he drops the hammer. Sabin picks the hammer up and clocks Knux with it forcing the disqualification. WINNER: Knux by disqualification
Sabin is arguing with the referee. Why? You were caught cheating dumbass.
Backsatage Sabin is upset and his fiancée Velvet Sky is trying to calm him down. He says things need to change. Jesus Velvet dump him. Go out with a real wrestler. He’s really pissed, and she’s very upset.
Out comes our Knockouts Champion Mickie James. She says she was so excited to be in Cleveland because its where the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is. Mickie says she prepared an amazing performance with smoking monkeys and dancing midgets. Ok dear, you lost me. She says who needs the VMA’s when you have the “MJA’s”. She’s holding a little trophy with her face on it. She says people should stop giving shit to Miley Cyrus. She says the fans don’t like the way she “twirk” it. She’s interrupted by ODB. The big girl complains about talking about Miley Cyrus in the home of Rock and Roll. ODB says Mickie should be worried about losing that title at Bound for Glory. Mickie blows her off, but then when ODB’s back is turned Mickie pearl harbors her. She clotheslines ODB on the belt, but ODB gets up and rips Mickie’s top off. Mickie runs off and ODB says she will take the title and Mickie will never be Rock and Roll.
As of now, Magnus, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and Jeff Hardy are the top 4 guys in the BFG standings. However, only Hernandez and Jay Bradley can win 20 points and not make the top 4. It’s anybody’s match tonight. Bradley and Hernandez will start the gauntlet, and Bradley says he made some “business decisions” earlier today with a group about what to do tonight. He offers a piece to Hernandez.
Back from break and Knux is enjoying a sandwich after winning his match. Then we see Sting arrive in the building, as he faces Bully Ray tonight.
FIRST TWO COMPETITORS: Hernandez vs. Jay Bradley
Bradley takes the mike and tells Hernandez that there’s a lot of money on the table for Bradley’s services. He offers Hernandez to help. The babyface hesitates and then starts chopping Mr. Boomstick. Looks like every two minutes another guy comes in.
#3: Joseph Park
So it’s a Royal Rumble in essence. The brawl continues.
#4: Mr. Anderson
We go to break with a brawl in the ring.
#5: Samoa Joe
We head back for :30 to let Joe get in the ring. As usual, TNA has no clue how to do this.
#6: AJ Styles
So instead of watching action in the ring, we use commercials to cover the 2:00. AJ comes in and eliminates Park. Taz bitches that it’s not fair everyone goes after Anderson.
#7 Kazarian
Joe kicks Anderson in the face on the canvas to the top rope and the Aces & 8’s VP is eliminated.
#8 Christopher Daniels
The Bad Influence duo is together and they work together on AJ Styles. They then work Hernandez over and eliminate him.
#9 Jeff Hardy
Ugh, we’ll see how long this takes. We return from break with another participant. Not that we can watch the action. WWE would never take this many breaks during a match like this.
#10 Bobby Roode
It looks like Styles was Bradley’s “paid target” because Bradley stopped what he was doing and went right at AJ, but Styles ducks and Bradley pretty much eliminates himself. We have the fast guys in the match now and the pace picks up.
#11 Austin Aries
Aries needs to lose the cape, it looks stupid. The match continues with no eliminations, and now the top guy.
#12 Magnus
Magnus can in essence sit back because technically regardless of who wins he won’t lose his spot. Samoa Joe is eliminated. Kaz is working Styles over and jaw jacking, when Styles eliminates him out of nowhere. Daniels eliminates Magnus. So the last four are Roode, Daniels, Aries and Styles. Hardy got eliminated somewhere and I missed it. Must have been during the 5 commercial breaks they’ve taken during this match. No mind, at least he doesn’t win. AJ drilled Aries with a forearm shot and eliminated him. Roode charges Styles but Styles moves and Roode eliminates himself. So the real life best friends go head to head: Styles and Daniels. They battle for a few minutes, and as expected Styles throws Daniels over the top rope. WINNER: AJ Styles
So as I predicted last week, AJ gets the 20 points and is in the top four, and is in the No Surrender 4-way match. It will be Styles, Magnus, Aries and Roode. That will be a great match.
Backstage Bully Ray is pissed off at Anderson for not winning the gauntlet match. Bully says Anderson has done nothing for the club lately. Anderson snaps and says he’s busted his ass. Bully Ray threatens to beat him down, so stay in line. Anderson’s face turn is growing.
We see moments ago when Styles won the gauntlet match. He’s backstage saying he gets to pick who he wrestles at No Surrender and he will beat Bully Ray at Bound for Glory. I’m actually not sure how this works. It’s not a 4-way match? Must be a mini-tournament.
Backstage Sting is with Rampage. Sting says it’s fine not going for title matches anymore. It’s about family and teaching Bully Ray a lesson.
MATCH: James Storm & Gunner vs. Brisco & Bischoff
The Tag Team Champions have wrestled like once in the last three months. The champs get jumped from behind by Wes and Garret. They brawl outside and Storm starts drinking beer mid-match. That’s why he’s my #1 guy in this company. He guzzles beer and Taz says “I wonder if he learned that in wrestling school”. That’s Taz’s best line in a year. They finally settle down and we have everyone in the ring. Gunner is jacked. Speaking of jacked, what happened to Rob Terry? He hasn’t been on TV since May. So I investigated and next week at No Surrender it will be a mini-tournament. Two semifinal matches and a final match. Bischoff clocked Gunner with a steel chain and gets the 3 count. WINNERS: Bischoff & Brisco
Back from break and Roode, Magnus and Aries are in the ring with JB. Out comes the top point getter, AJ Styles. Styles will now pick his semifinal opponent. AJ picks Aries, who says only the fans will win. Which means Roode will face Magnus in the other semifinal. Roode says he loves when a plan comes together. He joined Bad Influence to get to this point, and Roode says he’s facing the weakest link of the final four. He and Magnus glare at each other. Magnus says “We earned our points, but I earned my points, you had the muppets to help you.” Magnus says Cleveland is Mafia country, and Roode may have friends but he as family. Good set up for next week
MATCH: Bully Ray vs. Sting
Tito Ortiz looks like a fucking idiot. He just does. Sting comes out to his own music, not the MEM music. I like how Borash says “He weighed in this morning at…” How official. Bully Ray mouths off to Sting about not getting any more title shots, which brings out GM Hulk Hogan. He gives Bully Ray his “receipt” by having Tito Ortiz escorted from ringside. If I hear “Do you know who I am?” one more fucking time from a TNA superstar… Hogan also changes this match to no disqualification. Miss Tessmacher is trying to sell concern, but she’s failing. Ortiz faked “surprise” at being escorted out. Ugh, how terrible. Bully takes control from Sting with a low blow. Anderson is at ringside and Bully is glaring at him. Taz gives Bully a box cutter and he cutting up the canvas and loosening it. Similar to what Bully Ray did at Slammiversary. He removes the padding and the boards are exposed. Sting recovers and puts Bully Ray in the Scorpion Death Lock. That brings out Knux, Bischoff and Brisco who attacks Sting. They work Sting over when the MEM comes out and a huge brawl erupts. The ring is empty except for Bully and Sting. Sting misses a splash and Bully goes for a piledriver onto the wood but Sting back drops him. The in-ring action is pretty good. Anderson pulls a hammer out of his coat and tries to hand it to Bully, but he’s taunting him and throws the hammer away. Bully eventually taps out. WINNER: Sting
Anderson gets in the ring, taunts his President and says he’s the one facing Bully Ray for the World Title. Damnit, Anderson does the “Do you know who I am?” Bully’s holding his knee and the belt as we go off the air.
SCOTT’S TAKE: Was disappointed here. The formatics were terrible, and there were too many breaks during the gauntlet match. No Surrender should be a great show, if they can format it right and not chop the shit out of the breaks.
For more TNA coverage Place to Be Nation, be sure to check out Callum’s rebooking of the Bound For Glory series!