Ring of Honor TV Episode #240 Recap

Welcome back to another placeholder episode from ROH’s trip to Japan back in February prior to the 14th Anniversary show. With that said – be sure to check out our complete Honor Rising coverage, courtesy of Dave Musgrave here (night 1) and here (night 2).

Here’s what’s shown on this episode:

Jay Lethal and Naito vs. Okada and Yoshi-Hashi – I liked this a bit more on a second watch. Neat seeing Okada and Lethal interact. Good finish and Lethal joins up with Los Ingobernables after.

Kushida vs. Kazarian –  Kushida may be the best ROH wrestler in 2016 so far (HOT TAKE ALERT) and he could essentially wrestle himself (or a broomstick) and it would be fine. Here he works in his regular arm stuff,  counters, big arm breaker off the top rope, all building to the tap out.

Young Bucks and Kenny Omega vs. reDRagon and Shibata – probably not too surprising given the history of the tag teams involved here, but this is the best match of these first two Honor Rising TV cuts.

We also get Mark Briscoe with a microphone asking around the streets outside the NJPW dojo for Godzilla in what is absolutely the must-seek out segment of this show.