PTBN’s All Time WrestleMania Match Ranking: Part Two

It is WrestleMania week! And we at Place to Be Nation love lists. So, over the past month, JT RozzeroBen MorseChad CampbellMarc ClairBrian Bayless, Brian Meyer, Glenn ButlerJordan DuncanAaron GeorgeNeil Trama & Andy Halleen have spent many hours crafting PTBN’s All Time WrestleMania Match Ranking just for your enjoyment! We have argued. We have number crunched. We have reshuffled multiple times. But, here is our final, ultimate, complete ranking of every single WrestleMania match in history. All 300 of them. The list only includes those matches that aired on pay-per-view and is an aggregate of votes from those that participated in the project. With that said… away we go!

Part One: 300 – 241


240. Ultimate Warrior vs. Hercules (WrestleMania IV): A decent power match to get Ultimate Warrior on the board and show off the strength of both men, but nothing more beyond that.

239: Rey Mysterio vs. John Bradshaw Layfield – WWE Intercontinental Title (WrestleMania XXV): A surprising squash win that ended JBL’s in ring career but it was well executed and made sense for the character to go out that way.

238: Hillbilly Jim, Haiti Kid & Little Beaver vs. King Kong Bundy, Little Littlebrook & Little Tokyo (WrestleMania III): One of the most memorable matches of the early WrestleMania, specifically around King Kong Bundy slaughtering Little Beaver, leading to pure midget madness afterwards.

237: Tatanka vs. Rick Martel (WrestleMania VIII): A paint-by-numbers match for the recently debuted Tatanka. The two would have a deeper feud later in the year but this was a fairly quick win for the Native American.

236: Koko B. Ware vs. Butch Reed (WrestleMania III): A decent debut match for both men but nothing worth looking back at or remembering as soon as it ended.

235: APA & Tazz vs. Right to Censor (WrestleMania X-7): A disappointingly short match that gives the good guys a win over the hated APA but one of the softest matches on a loaded card.

234: Mankind vs. Paul Wight (WrestleMania XV): There was a lot of hype around Paul Wight joining WWE and rumors of a big bump from Mankind fueled excitement for this one but it fell way short of expectations. The chokeslam through the chairs wasn’t impressive looking enough to be worth the damage and Wight’s punch to Vince McMahon after the bout was terrible.

233: Jimmy Snuka vs. Rick Rude (WrestleMania VI): This match served two purposes: let the crowd gather themselves before the Main Event and give Rick Rude a solid win before he was pushed into the World Title picture over the summer.

232: Jake Roberts vs. Andre the Giant (WrestleMania V): The blowoff to a red hot feud didn’t quite click, mainly due to Andre the Giant’s physical condition. They worked hard to cover for it with lots of interference and mayhem, but in the end it wasn’t enough to get it over the hump.

231: Maven vs. Goldust – WWF Hardcore Title (WrestleMania X-8): A fun little through line that filled multiple segments that featured a bunch of random challengers began and ended with Maven as Hardcore Champion.


230: Jake Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man (WrestleMania III): In one of the biggest upsets early in WrestleMania history, Honky Tonk Man stole a win over Jake Roberts. The match is most remembered for the finish and aftermath with Alice Cooper trapping Jimmy Hart for a visit by Damien.

229: R-Truth & John Morrison vs. Big Show & Miz – WWE Unified Tag Team Titles (WrestleMania XXVI): This match set the tone for the night as WrestleMania XXVI was one of the most hyped Manias in recent history but everything seemingly came up just a bit short. This match was really brief with an ending out of nowhere when it could have more heavily featured a blowoff between Miz and John Morrison.

228: Big Boss Man vs. Akeem (WrestleMania VI): The Twin Towers explode! The match was basic but before the bell we got some fun fireworks when Ted DiBiase popped out of nowhere and cracked Big Boss Man with a clothesline and a beatdown.

227: Undertaker vs. Big Show & A-Train (WrestleMania XIX): Switched to a handicap match at the last moment due to Nathan Jones not being ready for prime time, rumors abounded that the streak could end in Seattle. It didn’t. And the match was passable as Undertaker was slowly creeping up on his in ring renessance.

226: Undertaker vs. Sid – WWE Heavyweight Title (WrestleMania 13): In Undertaker’s biggest WrestleMania match to date, the Dark Side prevailed as he captured the WWF World Title from Sid in a long, sluggish match. The moment and Shawn Michaels on commentary gets this one into this slot.

225: John Cena vs. Miz – WWE Heavyweight Title (WrestleMania XXVII): Possibly the most disappointing WrestleMania main event ever as Miz was red hot as a heel, the Rock was back in town and things were going to get hot in Atlanta. Instead, Miz got concussed, the booking was terrible and the finish was a true disaster.

224: Men on a Mission vs. Quebecers – WWE Tag Team Titles (WrestleMania X): The Quebecers were on fire with their fun, over-the-top gimmick and had been reigning as champs since the fall when they ran into Men on a Mission in MSG. The match was bland and the finish confusing but the Canadian heroes held onto their straps.

223: Junkyard Dog vs. Greg Valentine – WWE Intercontinental Title (WrestleMania I): In early 1985, Junkyard Dog was red hot as a face and a strong contender for any title but this one fell apart quickly and suffered through a false finish and countout win, getting the WrestleMania IC Title tradition off to a shaky start.

222: Greg Valentine vs. Earthquake (WrestleMania VII): Coming off his big feud with Hulk Hogan, Earthquake was a man without a program come WrestleMania season so he is used here to squash The Hammer, who had turned his back on Jimmy Hart’s stable early in 1991.

221: AJ Lee & Paige vs. Nikki & Brie Bella (WrestleMania XXXI): AJ Lee was in her final days with the company and this was looked at as a passing of the torch type match as Paige was prepared to become the new head honcho. The Bellas are The Bellas but this still ended up disappointing in the end.


220: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres (WrestleMania XXVIII): A pretty decent Diva tag match, especially when you consider that celebrity uber fan Maria Menounos was one of the competitors. She took the role seriously, trained hard and it showed. Not the most memorable celebrity match, but certainly better than most expected.

219: Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Kane & Santino Marella vs. The Corre (WrestleMania XXVII): Hey remember when we got this instead of the Money in the Bank? The words useless and pointless are too often thrown around in wrestling but I can’t think of a match that exemplifies “throwing everyone on the card” more than this one. Was it fun? Nope. Was the word core misspelled? Absolutely.

218: Andre the Giant vs. Big John Studd – $15,000 Bodyslam Challenge (WrestleMania I): A pure spectacle in every sense of the word, one of the big draws for the inaugural Mania was the bodyslam challenge. The match itself is pretty dreadful but the moment was all that matters and boosts this ranking as the crowd went nuts when Andre slammed Studd and then passed out Bobby Heenan’s money around ringside.

217: D-Lo Brown & Test vs. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart – WWE Tag Team Titles (WrestleMania XV): D’Lo and Test survived a pre-show battle royal to earn a shot at the Tag Team Championship held by Double J & Owen. This was when Russo was all about “wacky tag team partners who hate each other”, leaving the Tag Team Championship as an after-thought.

216: Big Boss Man, Virgil, Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mountie, Repo-Man & Nasty Boys (WrestleMania VIII): This fairly random eight man was memorable mainly for Ray Combs’ joke infused ring introductions but also had some fun spots and featured four of the most over mid card faces of the time.

215: Allied Powers vs. Blu Brothers (WrestleMania XI): A messy tag team opener that set the tone for a messy show overall. Lex Luger’s precipitous fall from 1994 to 1995 is fully on display but at least he picks up the win.

214: Tito Santana vs. Executioner (WrestleMania I): A surprisingly fun little opener in its most basic sense. Tito Santana probably deserved a bigger role on this show but he makes the most of his tilt with the masked Buddy Rose.

213: Brutus Beefcake vs. Ted DiBiase (WrestleMania V): Man, Ted Dibiase had some stinkers at WrestleMania. When noted ring general (and fantastic Barber) Brutus Beefcake can’t get a decent match out of you perhaps it’s time to take some of that money and pay for some wrestling lessons. I mean for Christ’s sake his second didn’t even have any hair to cut off.

212: Rob Van Dam & Booker T. vs. La Resistance vs. Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade vs. Dudley Boyz – WWE World Tag Team Titles (WrestleMania XX): The depth of the tag division in early 2004 was non existent and this match fully displays that fact. Technically the match was fine but it was certainly boring and only succeeded in extended an already overflowing card.

211: Hercules vs. Earthquake (WrestleMania VI): A solid little squash to continue to build Earthquake’s resume for a strong upcoming push. Hercules was game but just couldn’t overcome the size differential before falling to the Earthquake splash.


210: Jimmy Snuka vs. Undertaker (WrestleMania VII): Not much to this one but its historical significance certainly boosts it up as it was Undertaker’s first Mania win, officially kicking off one of the most memorable streaks in wrestling history. The crowd was still in awe of Taker’s presence and watching him dismantle the Superfly felt like a strong statement win.

209: Randy Savage vs. Butch Reed (WrestleMania IV): A banner night for the Macho Man kicked off with this round one tussle. Butch Reed had a good showing but was distracted by Elizabeth and that led to his downfall. A quick little sprint that set the tone for a big night ahead.

208: Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund (WrestleMania XI): Coming off their hard hitting war at Survivor Series, expectations were high for this I Quit rematch between two heated rivals. Those expectations were not met as Bret Hart delivered his worst Mania match that was marred by Roddy Piper jamming a microphone in their faces every thirty seconds asking if they want to quit.

207: Killer Bees vs. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (WrestleMania III): A pure cool down match for the crowd before a massive main event that also existed to set up Jim Duggan’s feud with Volkoff & Sheik.

206: Jim Duggan vs. Ted DiBiase (WrestleMania IV): A rare WWE occasion where Jim Duggan showed off more than just basic brawling on offense and it led to a fun tuornament opener. They carried their old Mid South chemistry through to Trump Plaza and the finish worked too as it set up Andre nicely as DiBiase’s enforcer.

205: Doink & Dink vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Luna Vachon (WrestleMania X): As far as intergender midget tag team wrestling matches go, this one wasn’t bad at all. Bam Bam Bigelow got the win and put the feud to rest in a bout that was fine comedy filler following one of the greatest matches of all time.

204: Ricky Steamboat vs. Matt Borne (WrestleMania I): A rock solid WrestleMania debut for Ricky Steamboat over stalwart veteran Matt Borne. Perfectly acceptable wrestling.

203: Ryback vs. Mark Henry (WrestleMania XXIX): A decent power match that underdelivered on its potential and had a surprising finish considering Ryback had been in the main event picture just months earlier.

202: Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt (WrestleMania XXXI): A throwback to early era Undertaker Mania matches as this was a basic, paint-by-numbers victory for the Deadman that did nothing to elevate or help Bray Wyatt afterwards.

201: Triple H vs. Randy Orton – WWE Heavyweight Title (WrestleMania XXV): Considering the hot blood feud build and how locked in Randy Orton was at this point, many thought these two would have a brutal brawl of a main event title match. It was brutal…brutally boring. For some reason they played it straight and plodded their way through one of the most boring Mania World Title matches to date.


200: Road Dogg vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Goldust vs. Val Venis (WrestleMania XV): A vintage Vince Russo four way clusterfuck that happened dead center in the middle of the quintessential Vince Russo WrestleMania. For no reason at all, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn swapped midcard titles and killed the story this match had been set up to tell. Dogg retained but the match stalled out and was heatless for most of it.

199: Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper – Boxing Match (WrestleMania 2): The spectacle factor carries this one along but the action was non existent until late in the fight. The legit heat between the two and their overall presence still make this worth a watch though.

198: Rikishi & Kane vs. X-Pac & Road Dogg (WrestleMania 2000): The culmination of the months-long feud between former partners Kane and X-Pac, and also final confrontation between Pete Rose and Kane. Neither feud was the “irresistible force meeting the immovable object”, but fun for comedy match between heated championship tussles.

197: Bob Backlund vs. Razor Ramon (WrestleMania IX): A definite clash of styles between the grappler Backlund and the man who oozed machismo, Razor Ramon. It’s not quite bowling shoe ugly but the two never “clicked” before an abrupt Ramon win.

196: Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. APA vs. Billy & Chuck – WWE Tag Team Titles (WrestleMania X-8): With the tag division finally simmering down after a strong two years, the company was desperate for fresh blood in the division. Billy & Chuck seemed to fit the bill and go over the stalwarts but with the memory of transcendent tag title wars of the previous two Manias, this one was doomed to disappoint.

195: Rougeau Brothers vs. Dream Team (WrestleMania III): With the Dream Team on their last legs, this match was simply a mechanism to blow that team up for good. It was a spirited showing but nothing that is considered memorable either way.

194: Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn – Brawl for All (WrestleMania XV): This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. A man’s head is knocked clearly off his shoulders. It took some mighty big balls for Bart Gunn to call himself “The Hammer.” In retrospect it was insane to think Gunn had any chance against his rotund opponent. Even crazier to think that Vince didn’t make Jeff Jarrett fight Butterbean on his way out of the company.

193: Shield vs. New Age Outlaws & Kane (WrestleMania XXX): This was the peak of the Shield as an unstoppable force as they just trainwrecked the corporate stooges en route to a great feud with Evolution. So much promise was dripping from them as this squash ended.

192: Hulk Hogan vs. Sid (WrestleMania VIII): The match is more memorable for it’s aftermath, featuring a run-in from Papa Shango and the shocking return of the Ultimate Warrior. Also notable for being the only main event match in WrestleMania history to end on a disqualification.

191: Victoria vs. Molly Holly – WWE Women’s Title Hair vs Hair Match (WrestleMania XX): With the women’s division in a good place thanks to a mix of fairly quality workers, Victoria and Molly got the spotlight match on this loaded show. However, the crowd was so burnt out from a long night, this one came off flat and couldn’t get the fans engaged. The postmatch head shaving was fun at least.


190: Undertaker vs. Mark Henry – Casket Match (WrestleMania 22): This match is more likely remembered as Undertaker’s last Mania outing before his run of greatness. It also stands out due to Taker’s classic fight with Kurt Angle a month earlier. Nobody thought Mark Henry would end the streak but the casket stipulation at least added some intrigue to an otherwise bland affair,

189: Owen Hart vs. Skinner (WrestleMania VIII): A quick squash win for the Rocket that was impressive mainly because he took a huge wad of tobacco juice spit to the face before picking up the win. Big time kudos for that, Owen.

188: Tag Team Battle Royal (WrestleMania XIV): The highlight of this Mania opener was the return of the revamped Legion of Doom, flanked by a smoking hot Sunny. The LOD mowed through the field and picked up a guaranteed future title shot.

187: Bill Jack Haynes vs. Hercules (WrestleMania III): The battle of the full nelson! These two pasted each other with clubbing offense and despite a soft double countout finish, the beatdown Herc laid down after the bell made up for it as he left Billy Jack in a bloodied, crumpled mess.

186: Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny – Winner is General Manager of Raw & Smackdown (WrestleMania XXVIII): Who didn’t love Johnny Laurinaitis? Who didn’t love his white Col. Sanders suit? Team Johnny would pick up the win in this brand war, giving the Ace Man control of both brands.

185: Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase, Jr. (WrestleMania XXVI): Legacy explodes as Randy Orton finally had enough of his flailing lackeys and proceeded to wax them in a decent triple threat match to a big pop in the desert.

184: Rob Van Dam, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer & Sabu vs. Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn & Elijah Burke (WrestleMania 23): This felt like a lifetime achievement award for the ECW stalwarts in many ways but this match was quickly overshadowed by a wild, gimmick laden rematch on ECW TV just weeks later. This was fine as a showcase but was rushed and never kicked into gear.

183: Triple H vs. Kane (WrestleMania XV): More 1999 blurred lines here as Kane came in a heel, joined by Chyna, who had turned heel in January but turns back face here to help Triple H win. But then she and Triple H turn heel later in the night with Kane turning face during the fall out. Got that? Good, because it was all more interesting than the match itself.

182: Al Snow vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Billy Gunn – WWE Hardcore Title (WrestleMania XV): The other end of the Russo switch-a-roo sees Billy Gunn awkwardly jammed into a three way hardcore feud that had included Road Dogg from the start. Hardcore Holly would get the win but after a series of wild hardcore bouts that had spilled around the arena, this felt tame for the biggest show of the year.

181: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz vs. Lita – WWE Women’s Title (WrestleMania X-8): With the show taking place in Toronto, it seemed like a no-brainer that Trish Stratus would depart with the gold around her waist, but Jazz was victorious in decent women’s title outing.