GWWE Wrestler Revisited Results #25- #16

Welcome back to the reveal of the Greatest WWE Wrestler Ever. As you’d expect as we climb higher on the list, more wrestlers appeared on every ballot, including Rey Mysterio, Triple H, Eddie Guerrero and Andre the Giant. This project seems to have far more wrestlers appearing on every ballot than previous projects covering wrestlers or matches. Many of the wrestlers in this round appear very near where they finished in 2017, which makes sense as we get closer to the top. Exceptions would include the Ultimate Warrior who climbed 14 spots from his finish in 2017, Randy Orton who jumped 17 spots and CM Punk who fell 8 spots. Interestingly, Daniel Bryan finished in the same #17 spot that he finished at in 2017 despite his return to the ring in 2018 and his second run. Let’s get to it.

25. Edge

# of Ballots: 30

Avg. Rating: 27.27

High: 6

Low: 54

High Voter: Mike Fish

2017 Ranking: 24

24. The Ultimate Warrior

# of Ballots: 31

Avg. Rating: 27.52

High: 11

Low: 81

High Voter: Tim Slomka, Marcus Fuller

2017 Ranking: 38

23. CM Punk

# of Ballots: 30

Avg. Rating: 22.57

High: 5

Low: 77

High Voter: Justin Webb

2017 Ranking: 15

22. Rey Mysterio

# of Ballots: 33

Avg. Rating: 28.42

High: 8

Low: 73

High Voter: Perhaps

2017 Ranking: 20

21. Bob Backlund

# of Ballots: 32

Avg. Rating: 26.03

High: 5

Low: 84

High Voter: Marty Sleeze

2017 Ranking: 19

20. Randy Orton

# of Ballots: 32

Avg. Rating: 25.63

High: 7

Low: 74

High Voter: Marcus Fuller, Mike Fish

2017 Ranking: 37

19. Triple H

# of Ballots: 33

Avg. Rating: 27.30

High: 10

Low: 63

High Voter: Scott Criscuolo

2017 Ranking: 21

18. Eddie Guerrero

# of Ballots: 33

Avg. Rating: 23.30

High: 9

Low: 38

High Voter: Jenny Chan

2017 Ranking: 13

17. Daniel Bryan

# of Ballots: 32

Avg. Rating: 19.91

High: 4

Low: 91

High Voter: Trent Williams

2017 Ranking: 17

16. Andre the Giant

# of Ballots: 33

Avg. Rating: 20.48

High: 4

Low: 87

High Voter: Erin Hotovy

2017 Ranking: 18

That wraps up this round. We are nearing the top, and will be back next week covering #15- #6.