Between the Sheets #125: December 6-12, 1997

Kris & David are guestless this week talking about the week that was December 6-12, 1997. We talk about Bret Hart teeing off on the WWF in a Prodigy chat, Jim Kelly & Bruce Smith shooting their own angle with Randy Savage at Nitro in Buffalo, the birth of the Freedom Dogs, Nobuhiko Takada swerving UFC, Stevie Richards returning to ECW, and the Birth of the Attitude Era as the Mr. McMahon character is born, plus a memorable RAW featuring a DeGeneration X poker game….A wild show so listen now!!!

0:00:00 WCW
1:13:50 Int’l: Japan (NJPW, BattlARTS, BJPW, DDT, FMW, IWA Japan, Michinoku Pro, Kingdom, UFC Ultimate Japan, JWP, & LLPW) & CWA
1:45:13 Classic Commercial Break
1:49:46 Housekeeping/The Amazon Game
2:23:52 Latin America: CMLL, IWRG, Monterrey, Promo Azteca, & WWC
2:34:13 Other USA: NWA New Jersey, USA Pro, ECW, IPWA, Music City, USWA fallout, IWAMS, & APW
3:05:28 WWF

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One thought on “Between the Sheets #125: December 6-12, 1997

  1. I have two January 98 Pro episodes but I don’t think I’ve watched them. I know I read results on DDT Digest where 2/1/98 was the last all exclusive match episode. After that, it’s 0-2 exclusives with the rest being all recap. The last episode looks to be 9/27/98 but I’ve never seen any episodes after January out there.

    Any idea if Pro existed post WGN and pre TBS (9/92 – 3/94)? If so, that’s probably the largest gap in footage for a big 2 show.

    I wish you guys knew when syndicated Main Event ended because I’ve been wondering that too. My guess would be when the format changed in March of 94 to the Bobby and Mean Gene PTW setup but I don’t have old listings to confirm.

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