Spooktober continues at the Second Print Comics Podcast! Ghost Rider has escaped Hell, but accidentally brought Lucifer with him! Remso and Marc take you to Sleepy Hollow, Illinois, where the…
Tag: Ghost Rider
The Marvel Age Podcast #20: 1972 pt 3 & Year End Wrap-Up
Happy New Year! This episode takes a concentrated look at roughly one-third of the most-significant of Marvel’s output throughout 1972. The Sarcastic Four (Nick Duke, Tim Capel, Russell Sellers and Todd…
Steve’s Box Office Report: February 2007
Steve’s Box Office Report: February 2007 Top 10 Films for the Month of February: Ghost Rider – $115,802,596 Norbit – $95,673,607 Bridge to Terabithia – $82,272,442 Music and Lyrics –…