On the eighth installment of the Pop Goes The Classics series looking at the Disney animated features, Mirandia Berthold, Steve Riddle & Andy Atherton look at 1950’s Cinderella. They discuss…
Tag: cinderella
Steve’s Wonderful Reviews of Disney: Cinderella
Cinderella Release Date: February 15th, 1950 (released March 4th nationwide) Inspiration: “Cinderella” by Charles Perrault Budget: $2.9 million Domestic Gross: $95.5 million Worldwide Gross: $263.6 million Rotten Tomatoes Score: 97%…
Perfecting Your March Madness Bracket 101
Tips, tools, and other anecdotes on how to build the best March Madness bracket possible Leave it to a man with more money than the rest of the free world…