The Wall of Shame

On October 1st, I began a(nother) fast from video games. I did not do so arbitrarily, nor did I do so “willingly” in the sense that I knew that it…

Things Fall Apart: Japanese Juggernaut Waning in the West

If you’re into video games at all, then you might be aware of the negative buzz revolving around Nintendo and its Wii U. (The ubiquitous) they have said during the Christmas…

Games of the Generation 2006-2013

With the Wii U taking off with a head start last year and the arrival of the PS4 and Xbox One, it’s safe to say that “Next Gen” has arrived…

Call of Duty: Ghosts – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Here we are, the beginning of Call of Duty season, as some of us call it. Another year, another shooter and this time it has Battlefield 4 (released in October)…

PTBN’s E3 2013 Report

Welcome to Place to Be Nation’s official E3 2013 Report! We are going to first take a look at the big three (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony) and what they announced during this…