A Requiem for Parenthood

This article contains spoilers for the final season of Parenthood Diehard Parenthood fans Justin Rozzero, Jen Engle and Ben Morse take a trip back through six seasons of Braverman greatness…

The Bower Show #93: Kanye West Is (Still) a Jerk & A-Rod Apologizes

On this episode of THE BOWER SHOW PODCAST: Bower & Jeff wonder why people still invite Kanye West to awards shows, if Brian Williams really should be suspended by NBC,…

PTBN’s NBA-Team Podcast- Medium Cool

In a special edition of Place To Be Nation’s NBA-Team Podcast, co-hosts Andrew Riche and Adam Murray talk about all things television in the NBA. They discuss the history of…

Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch – “The Seinfeld Chronicles” (S1, E1)

Welcome to Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch! On a regular basis, Justin Rozzero, Aaron George, Andrew Flanagan and Jordan Duncan will watch an episode of TV’s greatest sitcom and provide notes…

We Miss the 90s: Saved by the Bell – Part One

In this regular column, Justin Rozzero and Jen Engle exchange emails reminiscing about the greatest decade in history: the 1990s. Justin & Jen have been friends since 1997 and have been trading emails and…

The NBA’s Silver Age

As David Stern formally retires this week, will Adam Silver pave his own way as league commissioner or be stalked by the ghost of his legendary predecessor? This Friday, the…

PTBN Fall TV Special – Parenthood Preview

Justin: Jen! Parenthood! Renewed! Season Five! Hella great news! Of course, NBC being NBC, you never know when a high quality show will meet an untimely demise (Coach Taylor glares…

The Sports Night Wars

The story that ESPN does not want you to read Back in 1994, when the young Fox Network and its entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch got in on the sports action and…

The Office Retrospective Roundtable: Part Two

After nine seasons, NBC’s The Office has aired its final episode but the indelible mark the series left with viewers and its place in television history will be water cooler talk…

The Office Retrospective Roundtable: Part One

After nine seasons, NBC’s The Office has aired its final episode but the indelible mark the series left with viewers and its place in television history will be water cooler talk…