PTBN Sports Lounge #32 – Quarter Season Baseball Awards, UFC 187, and More Deflategate!


The latest edition of the Sports Lounge is live! Your host with the most, the Cowboy, is joined in the first segment by Lounge regulars Keith Schmidt and Cowboy Sr. The boys give out their 1/4 season awards for the MLB including MVP, Cy Young, and ROTY. Next, against Cowboy’s better judgment, the topic of Deflategate is broached in the Lounge… again. This time, Senior gives his take on the situation as a whole and fireworks ensue. After the break Cowboy is joined by original Lounge co-host and MMA expert Chad Campbell for an in depth look at the loaded UFC 187 card. As always, pour yourself a drink and light a cigar. There’s plenty of room on the sofa in the PTBN Sports Lounge!