Pro-Wrestling Super Show: The Wrestler Snapshot #7 on Ted DiBiase, Part 1 (July 15, 2014)

Why was the NWA afraid of Ted DiBiase?
Why was the NWA afraid of Ted DiBiase?

On this week’s Pro-Wrestling Super Show on Place to be Nation, Steven Graham is joined by Will (Special Event Recaps) and Parv (Where the Big Boys Play & Titans of Wrestling) for part 1 of this two-part snapshot on Ted DiBiase. There are some tangents, but they are relevant to the topic at hand, Ted DiBase. A very fun episode and long awaited by Parv fans.

Here are the three matches that were watched for this episode:

1. vs. Pat Patterson (6/19/79), WWWF
2. vs. Mr. R (2/11/84), GCW
3. vs. Jim Duggan, Cage, Tuxedo, Coal Minors Glove, No DQ, Loser Leaves Town (3/30/85), Mid-South