Pro Wrestling Love #17: 2000’s Japan Part 2

Marty & Mike are injecting of a dose of Pro Wrestling Love directly into you aural cavity in the second part of their 25 Best Matches of Japan between 2000-2009. Marty Sleeze is Superstarsleeze on Twitter & the PWO forums, his blog is 

Mike is a long time contributor on the PWO Forums at DaWho5. Mike explains the story behind his name, DaWho5, it is not because he is a big fan of the Anvil. Mike has a profound statement that Kawada does not really has his own match structure but instead adapts to others’ frameworks. Marty breaks down the difference between “no-selling” and “not selling” and the importance of “how” and “why” in pro wrestling. They cap it off with them gushing about how excellent the KENTA vs SUWA match was and the genius of the storytelling, the action and the character work. Pro wrestling does not get much better than that match. Click the link, download, listen and enjoy! It is the Pro Wrestling Love show, keep on spreading the Pro Wrestling Love!