Place to Be Podcast Episode 274: January & February All-Time PPV Cards

In this new episode of the Place to Be Podcast, Scott, Justin and Chad put together the best all-time PPV card from the months of January and February while only using each wrestler one time (in each month). We want your opinion on the super cards from the show! Be sure to vote below and rate both Scott’s pre-made card and the on-air card the boys put together.

How would you rate Scott's pre-made January super card?

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How would you rate the on-air January super card?

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How would you rate Scott's pre-made February super card?

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How would you rate the on-air February super card?

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Check out more from the Place to Be Podcast right here at Place to Be Nation including interviews with Kevin Kelly, J.J. Dillon, Scott Keith, Christopher Robin Zimmerman, Christopher Daniels, Gary Michael Cappetta, Scott Hudson, Bruno Lauer, Stevie Richards, Eddie Edwards and many, many more.

Also, the PTB Podcast is now available on the Stitcher Radio app! Visit for more information!

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