It Was A Thing on TV Twin Pack (Episodes #87 & 88): Collegiate Comedies of 1975 & AfterMASH

First, we’re going back to school with three shows from early 1979, which tried capitalizing off the success of Animal House.  All three were busts, though each show produced quality future talent.  Also in this show, Mr. Whipple typecasting and ZIPPER?! Then, M*A*S*H is one of television’s most popular shows ever, yet its spinoff AfterMASH lasted less than a season and a half.  Was it too derivative from the parent show’s plot?  Did it just run its course? As always follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Jack Dorsey’s Hate Box and Tumblr over @ItWasAThingOnTV and also e-mail us for any feedback or show suggestions over at