Lady and the Beard #6: Comfort Watches

Join Kelley and Mirandia this month as they talk about their favorite comfort watches now and of all time. As well as which ones they think hold up through the…

Lady & The Beard #5 – Doctor Who

Listen to Kelley and Mirandia discuss Doctor Who. Their favourites from companions to Doctor’s and in between. As well as some things they find comforting from the series. Then they…

Lady & The Beard #3

Join Kelley and Mirandia back again to discuss one of Mirandia’s favorite things; Reading. She’ll share her thoughts on some of her favorite books while Kelley asks her amazing questions…

Lady & The Beard #2

Join Kelley and Mirandia once again as they this time discuss a topic that is one of Kelley’s favorites: The League of Superheroes.

Lady and the Beard – Friendships & Fandoms: The Good, The Bad, & The Toxic

Kelley and Mirandia welcome you to the newly-remastered Lady and The Beard. In this episode, they talk about friendship and fandom. And along with that the toxicity that has been…