Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or informative.
- A couple of weeks ago the Walk brought you news of Hallmark’s goytastic televisual film “offerings” for the Chanukkah season. As an antidote, try on these submissions for better feel-good Hannukah movies. Let it Beshert has my heart, but I can’t deny the intrigue to be found in Mall Judah‘s magical dreidel schnapps.
- We’re now in the age of not only the year-end retrospective, but the decade-end retrospective, and where better to begin looking back at our era but absurdist corners of the internet?
- A whistleblower complaint alleges that the Mormon church is, basically, a money-laundering operation that just does enough churchy stuff to get tax-exempt status.
- A more mentally healthy person could probably look at this listicle of neat photos of things worn down or accumulated over time without thinking that everything they do adds infinitesimally to the degradation and entropy of everything stained by their touch.
- The quantum superposition of whether or not Quentin Tarantino might actually want to make a Star Trek movie for reasons passing understanding may finally, hopefully, soon be at an end.
- This Week in Things to Do After You Die: I’m a strong believer in the idea that once you’re dead, there’s no “you” to care about what happens to your body any more, so someone might as well do something useful with it. That’s why you should sign up for organ donation as a matter of course, for instance. For the parts that can’t be donated or put to some other constructive use, why not have yourself composted?
- This Week in Wednesday Walk Top Tips: The Wednesday Walk would like to officially recommend that you do not attempt, in your life, to hector artists to give you their labor for free, especially if you have the salary to own a million-dollar home.
- The US military is now comemmorating the Battle of the Bulge by plastering its social media pages with a photo of a literal Nazi. Whooooooooooooooooops.
- Speaking of the US military, global menace that it is — recent reporting shows that the nearly twenty-year-old war in Afghanistan is as much of a quagmire as critics could have told you nearly twenty years ago, but the impact is lessened because the infinity war has been waged throughout this country’s entire history from the first settler colonialists through the Cold War and the War on Terra.
- To lighten things up a bit here, at the end, let’s think about drunk birds for a little while. Now, go hug an animal and get through the rest of your day.