Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer.
- It’s October now, and so it’s time to remember that in order to pursue and win The Skeleton War, you need to know how to get genuine human skeletons.
- NASA published a handy flowchart for identifying lights in the sky that CONVENIENTLY leaves out aliens and secret experimental aircraft based on alien technology.
- Via Steve Wille: this is basically my thought process whenever I eat out. Come share in my regrets.
- The Twitter character limit is increasing, which is good news for Canadians.
- Hugh Hefner apologia is a little mystifying.
- After the mass shooting in Las Vegas, it took about an hour before there was another mass shooting.
- Miniaturized nostalgia consoles are really taking off, with the Commodore 64 joining the fray.
- Invent a CTE test you can do while a subject is still alive, and maybe we’ll have to start thinning out some sports.
- If you’re in the northern hemisphere, finally arriving in autumn after a grueling extended summer, some advice from 1612 on how to start your October might sound pretty good.
- Raccoons have finally taken up the mantle of a battle humans should be making better headway on, using direct action against a bank.
- I am begging for some intrepid cruise ship booker to “accidentally” cross-book the Oprah cruise and the Gronk cruise.
- In Belarus, old women can whisper into the wind and heal what ails you, though perhaps not much longer.
- Alfred Hitchcock has an array of cheeses. Your argument is invalid.
- You see a lot of things and a lot of different kinds of people in advice columns. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if someone is seriously in the wrong because the person writing the letter has motive to tilt things in their favor and the other party(ies) can’t respond, but sometimes a writer completely indicts themselves while presumably trying to put themselves in a good light.
- It turns out that volcanos can’t be used as natural trash incinerators. Oh well.
- An artist traced the one route through Antwerp that’s free of surveillance cameras, or at least was last July; more cameras are going up all the time.
- Also in art, McDonald’s commissioned a series of paintings to honor its sauces, and will offer posters this weekend. Really.
- After a rainbow flag sighting at a concert in Egypt, the Egyptian government is cracking down on its LGBTQIAP+ community. I certainly hope they make it through better than a lot of Chechnyans have.
- This Week in Threatening Headlines: Jeremy Bentham’s head is coming out of its box…and this time it’s personal. (Also filed under The Skeleton War, perhaps.) (Warning: link contains a photo of Jeremy Bentham’s head.)
- I might move to Alaska if I had a real chance of waking up to seven baby lynxes and their mom lined up on my deck. Look at those PAWS.
Those McDonald’s posters are surprisingly cool. And I can’t imagine a time I ever referred to something at McDonald’s as that.
Right?? Hot Mustard would be a legitimately cool trippy poster if not for, y’know, all of the identifying text.