Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Wednesday Walk? Email Glenn!
- Some crafty thieves have lured a driver off the road, and are stealing his tires!
- The Feynman lecture online archive is complete.
- The Curiosity rover on Mars appears to be having some wheel trouble.
- We need to get more honesty out of the pandas.
- The periodic table of elements is populated with characters, and they’re awesome.
- Male superheroes are already hulking masses of rippling muscles. but what if they were really drawn the way female superheroes are?
- This Week in Art: nude portraits! All totally safe for work! It’s the photographer who’s nude, you see, not the subjects. And so they react. It’s about leveling the playing field in terms of vulnerability and suchlike.
- Stephen Fry gives his impressions of college football in the US. Incidentally, is it just me or is the music right at the beginning from Alien? There’s a bit of a deep cut, but it works.
- Medical marijuana, among so many other impressive uses, could help curb painkiller abuse.
- Draw some contrast, literally: Mom Lets Her 4-year-Old Finish Her Drawings
- Rock out to the intense strains of the 2014 Air Guitar World Championship.
- Steampunk Iron Man suits are fine and all, but let’s go back to da Vinci, the true master.
- Previously we’ve seen Chernobyl’s legacy as a wildlife refuge. It seems it’s also left a legacy of radioactive boar in the forests of Germany.
- It’s important to always consider whether your codpiece can be made a little bigger. No, bigger. Bigger still. That’s quite the piece of cod now.
- Thank goodness we’re getting some good Loch Ness Monster sightings again. It’d been a while.
- The word “booze,” much like the substance “booze,” has a long and rich history.
- Speaking of booze, if you find some in a 200-year-old shipwreck, apparently you’ll be okay if you drink on up. Maybe let historians get a look in first, though/
- If you’re experiencing a miniature heat wave like your humble Wednesday Walker (and you live in the northern hemisphere), take heart. Help is on the way.
- How to Be Polite, in case you need some pointers.
- The experiences of formerly-blind people are fascinating.
- Mark David Chapman ain’t getting out. Paul McCartney can rest easy.
- The splendiferous upgraded butter knife has arrived. Our work is done.
- We’re really not good at catching our own typos because of our pesky ol’ brains.
- The Star Wars propaganda poster is a rich and deep genre with, hopefully, many more entries yet to be made.
- We’ve been whistling in our music for a hundred years, and it’s still so right.
- Plant a tree. Do it for Groot.
- NASA plans to capture an asteroid and bring it into orbit around the moon. This would surely be fascinating and educational, but right now I don’t have much of a response past “coooooooool.”
Wednesday Walk Around the Web – 09/03/2014
Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Wednesday Walk? Email Glenn!