Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer.
- It’s completely fair to have a certain level of cynicism when it comes to awareness-raising campaigns, but it seems to have brought significant attention and funding at least once: five years after the ALS ice bucket challenge, ALS research and treatment are genuinely in a much better place than they were before.
- There was a minor Twitter explosion last week when writer Amy Pennza posted photographic proof of her mother-in-law-to-be wearing a wedding dress to Pennza’s wedding. Most squealed with terror and sympathy; others simply popped some corn and got ready for the drama. Added context, however, shows that this story is weird but ultimately wholesome; our first inclination is to hate this woman, but she actually seems like a great MIL and grandmother.
- This Week in the Avengers: 16-Bit Scenes’ take on the Endgame was…inevitable.
- This Week in Beer Can Gimmicks: I am mystified as to why someone would want to use a can of Miller Lite as a video game controller. Is this straight culture?
- The Christians have so many reasons to try to get some good PR these days, and Waria is a very good start.
- This Week in Good News: 50 years after being driven from Ph.D programs at the University of Chicago by professorial harrassment and institutional apathy, two women finally got to finish their degrees.
- We could learn something from the Pakistani government livestream with the cat filter. C-SPAN, take note.
- What did kids’ alphabet books do with the letter X before X-rays were discovered and xylophones became popular? This was certainly a fertile era for old King Xerxes.
- Everything has a fandom, and everything has collectors. Take this lesson from the aftermarket collectors of vintage Kool-Aid packets.
- This Week in Art Archives: A Space of Their Own, launching this fall, plans to host hundreds of restored works of women’s art that have gone overlooked and unremarked upon.
- As Pride month draws to a close (and Wrath month draws near), it’s a good time to evaluate the rainbow capitalism craze, which companies do more than just slap a rainbow on their products, and how we can use them to communicate identity regardless of their origins. Like, obviously brands are going to favor bland missives like “love is love” and “love wins” over anything more confrontational, but that just means it’s up to everyone else fostering and taking space in queer frameworks to make space for some harder edges.
- Plus, as we know, the best Pride clothing is this turban.
- Split photography offers gorgeous underwater/overwater combination shots.
- This Week in Wednesday Walk Top Tips: If you’re going to steal a surveillance camera, do yourself a favor and make sure it’s shut off.
- PTBN’s JT Rozzero brings word of a peer of his whose dogs I hope are 1) all right, eventually and b) no longer his dogs.
- This Week in Plugs: I released a podcast yesterday! My brother and I ran down the list of Democratic presidential candidates, all 548 of them, and some related topics.