Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Here you may find some things that amuse, some that titillate, and the occasional link that provokes. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Wednesday Walk? Email Glenn!
- Bat-fans may be interested in this live-action reƫnactment of the BTAS opening.
- It’s been fifteen years since The West Wing started. We were so young, so innocent, then. While we’re on the topic of The West Wing, one intrepid fan delves deep into his favorite episode.
- When you’re in the grip of serious mental illness, sometimes the thing that can reach you seems small or silly to others. (It isn’t actually, but it can seem that way to someone without experience.) Sometimes it’s a gesture, or a book, or a movie. Sometimes it’s Green Lantern: The Animated Series.
- Thousands of shipping containers are lost to the ravages of the sea each year. While they offer an interesting case study in how the containers interact with the local environment & wildlife, they could pose a serious pollution concern. While it brings to mind the discarded subway cars used to kickstart an artificial reef, that operation is intentional and the cars aren’t filled with who-knows-what.
- Welcome to the party, element 117!
- Have you ever been in bed with your sweetums and found yourself bereft of quality pillow talk? The Wednesday Walk Amalgamated Linkorarium is here for you, pal. Have some on me.
- It turns out that our Mars rovers, carefully sterilized to prevent the contamination of anything we may find on Mars, harbored some Earthly stowaways anyway.
- Take in this timelapse of how vines grow, and consider: they’re coming for you.
- Yellowstone Park holds amazing sights and thrills. Maybe don’t jump up to go to the Idaho portion of the park, though.
- The solar roadway is a fabulous idea that far too few governments are likely to spend money on soon.
- The Seahawks had to forget about their sixth-round pick due to a just-diagnosed heart condition, but thanks to a clerical move the organization made sure the kid will have enough money to decide what he’s going to do next.
- Christopher Lee is cooler than you or I will ever be.
- This Week in Urban Art: one guy has decided to fill some of his time engaging in vigilante pothole filling, using mosaics. Well done, urban hipster sir.
- Jason Krowe, another longtime friend of the Walk, brings us news of sunscreen becoming more convenient than ever. And delicious!
- [Warning: gruesome.] Darren Rainey was cooked to death by scalding-hot water at the hands of correctional officers two years ago. Investigations have stalled, of course. (Background.)
- Sorry, I’m not sure where to go from there. Perhaps slow-jamming Saturday mornings. Sorry.
- How about a tour of the flags of Canada?
- How about the PTB Nation Link of the Week, in which Russell Sellers suggests that “who would win in a fight” isn’t the most compelling superhero storyline.