Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or, occasionally, profound. Views expressed in the Wednesday Walk do not necessarily reflect those of anyone but the writer. Do you have a link you want to see featured in next week’s Walk? Email Glenn!
- RIP Leonard Nimoy. Find additional worthwhile perspectives here, here, and here. The Bank of Canada has said that it’s not technically illegal to replace sir Wilfrid Laurier with Spock on the five-dollar note, so get to it, Canadian pals.
- Freezing temperatures along the Massachusetts coast have brought tidal waves of ice.
- On the set of the Parks and Rec finale.
- An anthropologist with a book to sell thinks wolves might have helped Homo sapiens spiens (us) outlast the Neanderthals.
- In Pittsburgh, Reverend Earl Baldwin Jr. is filing suit against the cops who tased him for praying over his dying son.
- In Los Angeles, cops have murdered another person.
- In Ferguson, a Justice Department review has found that water is wet.
- In Chicago, cops have been operating a CIA-style black site as part of their campaign of terror.
- A series of artistic proposals for a new Thames bridge have been unveiled.
- Check out the story of the greatest sports logo of all the times.
- If you’ve ever wanted to see a Hulk action figure giving a Thor action figure a haircut, or a Wolverine action figure lighting his cigarette off of a Ghost Rider action figure, it’s your lucky day.
- This account of a woman accusing one of the people harassing her online is fairly harrowing.
- Hey, let’s remember some awesome DOS games. Oh, the days I whiled away with SimCity 2000 and Warcraft II, let alone the hunts for DooM WADs.
- Children can be pretty intense. Work out some of that intensity on the “Kashmir” riff as interpreted by a xylophone orchestra. Child xylophone orchestras should cover more classic rock hits.
- This week in Products to Buy When You Have Too Much Money (Or Maybe Not, Who Am I to Judge): stuffed-animal clones of your pets.
- If you or people you want to know want to get on one of those “paleo” diets, fine — life is a rich tapestry, as they say — but don’t try to convince yourself that it’s any more historical than The Zone.
- Making street crossings a little safer could be as simple as making a dancing light that people actually like looking at instead of ignoring it and rushing into the street. Failing that, it’s at least a fun bit of performance art.
- Among the artifacts we’ve been able to find & preserve from nearly four thousand years ago, there is a customer service complaint from Ur. That dude’s copper ingots SUCKED.
- Take out all of the dialogue from the climactic courtroom scene in A Few Good Men, leaving just the reaction shots, and it’s still dramatic. That’s fine filmmaking.