This Week In Wrestling 6/5/16


Fall 1

Pete and Johnny talk about and look at the never been talked about classic of The Mongolian Stomper vs Dick Slater 7/9/82. Then Pete gets to talk about ROH tv.

Fall 2

Pete and Timothy look at the NJPW BOTSJ night 7-11. Who do they think the best matches and workers on the tour so far.

Fall 3

It’s all WWE. NXT, RAW/, Seth Rollins special, and Camp WWE. The guys do a run down. Did WWE turn AJ too soon? Thoughts on the brand split?

00:00:30 Fall 1

00:01:04 NWA on demand Mongolian Stomper v Dick Slather

00:11:21 ROH TV

00:17:02 Fall 2

00:18:36 Lucha Underground

00:36:36 NJPW BoSJ 2016 Night 7-11

02:02:26 Fall 3

02:03:55 WWE 24 Seth Rollins

02:09:30 Camp WWE

02:11:55 NXT TV

02:29:20 WWE RAW

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