Talk‘n Pop: SPOOKTACULAR Grab Bag

It occurs to us that despite our best intentions, Talk’n Pop has never done a PROPER Halloween Special! Sure, we had our live watch of the terrifying “Teen Witch” that one year… and “Creepshow 2” last year… but these were pretty casual outings for two people who claim to love the holiday and season in general as much as we do. We’d like to think we made up for lost time by being SUPER on our game this year and doing ALL THE THINGS! It’s a SPOOKTACULAR Grab Bag TnP, in which you will be treated to the following:

-A (rather loose) livewatch of the still-creepy-af “Arachnophobia”

-Halloween memories, including favorite costumes, traditions, and weird hauls

-Drink-proof adhesive vampire fangs

-Top 5 personal favorite Halloween-themed movies

-Goofy local folklore and urban legends

-Our plans, such as they are, for this year

All wrapped around the usual insanity. Look, we can’t guarantee we’ll pull this off every year, but it sure was worth having our shit together at least this once. Happy Spooky SZN!