Pop Goes To The Couch – The Falcon And The Winter Solider S1 E6 “One World, One People”

Pop Goes To The Couch conclude on their coverage the latest entry into the MCU on Disney+, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. Andy Atherton, Scott Shifflett, Shawn Kidd &…

Pop Goes To The Couch – The Falcon And The Winter Soldier S1 E5 “Truth”

Pop Goes To The Couch continues on their coverage the latest entry into the MCU on Disney+, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. Andy Atherton, Scott Shifflett, Shawn Kidd &…

Pop Goes To The Couch – The Falcon And The Winter Soldier S1 E3 “Power Broker”

Pop Goes To The Couch continues on their coverage the latest entry into the MCU on Disney+, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. Tim Capel, Andy Atherton, Scott Shifflett &…

Pop Goes To The Couch – The Falcon And The Winter Soldier S1 E2 “The Star-Spangled Man”

Pop Goes To The Couch continues on their coverage the latest entry into the MCU on Disney+, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. Scott Shifflett, Tim Capel, Andy Atherton  &…

Pop Goes To The Couch – The Falcon And The Winter Soldier S1 E1 “New World Order”

Pop Goes To The Couch starts up a new pod series covering the latest entry into the MCU on Disney+, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. In this first installment,…

New Hotness: Top Picks for December 17, 2014

Welcome to another exciting edition of New Hotness! Once again, Russell picks his top books to grab this Wednesday at your local comic shop or online. What looks fun? Which titles have major happenings? Is…