Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #18: Countdown – Favorite Marvel Crossovers

Mild-mannered reporters by day, Greg Phillips and Nick Duke share an intense love of comic books that has made them the Hard-Traveling Fanboys. And if there’s anything that fanboys love,…

New Hotness: Secret Convergence Week 8, FINAL ISSUE

New Hotness has evolved…and is about to change forever! Both DC Comics and Marvel are producing major events called Convergence and Secret Wars, respectively. New Hotness has focused on telling you…

New Hotness: Secret Convergence Week 7

New Hotness has evolved…temporarily, anyway. Both DC Comics and Marvel are producing major events called Convergence and Secret Wars, respectively. New Hotness is focusing on telling you what to look…

New Hotness: Secret Convergence Week 6

New Hotness has evolved…temporarily, anyway. Both DC Comics and Marvel are producing major events called Convergence and Secret Wars, respectively. New Hotness is focusing on telling you what to look…

The Fill-In Files: Marvel Mutant Merriment

Like the comics of their namesake, the Fill-In Files will interrupt your regularly scheduled programming with inconsequential, off-the-wall installments pulled from the mothballs. A veritable smorgasbord, you can never know…